What to do After Neck Lipo? - Westside Face

What to do After Neck Lipo?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 17.5 million surgical cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2017. While that’s a staggeringly large statistic, is it any surprise? Any wealthy American would jump at the chance to morph their appearance into a “more attractive” state. Other than breast augmentation, the most popular type of cosmetic surgery is liposuction, the removal of excess fat, and one of the most popular versions of this is neck liposuction Los Angeles. But what exactly is neck liposuction, what are some of the risks, and, most importantly, where can it be done?

What is Neck Lipo?
Having a “double chin”, or excess fat beneath the chin and above the neck, can be caused by my factors. These include age, diet and weight, genetics, and even posture. And while double chins can be combated through exercise and dieting, there are cosmetic, surgical options to correct the sagging skin.

Neck liposuction is interesting because, unlike many cosmetic surgeries, it is not defined by a signal technique, but rather by the patient’s aesthetic goals. Patients can tell their surgeon whether they want a complete reshape of their jaw, or just eliminate the sagging fat on above their neck, and the surgeon will edit their plans to achieve the patient’s desired outcome.

What Happens After My Neck Lipo?
While the procedure isn’t considered incredibly invasive, there are still several post-operation instructions that need to be followed carefully. After the surgery, it’s important to have someone to drive you home and stay with you overnight in case you need assistance eating, drinking, or getting to the bathroom. Swelling and bruising is totally normal, but watch for any abnormal swelling, including goose egg shapes that feel firm or full of fluid. Ice and heat should both be applied to the surgical area to help with the swelling, and smoking and drinking after the surgery are advised against. Finally, you want to stay up and active as much as possible after surgery, but avoid bending or lifting more than 5 lbs, take extra precaution not to bump your face, and avoid heavily physical exertion and swimming for at least two weeks.

Where To Go For Neck Lipo?
If you think Neck Lipo is the path you’d like to take, you have many options! In Los Angeles facial plastic surgery is a booming business. One of the best surgeons for Los Angeles facial plastic surgery is Dr. Behrad Brad Aynehchi. Contact us today for a consultation!

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