Surgery to Correct a Deviated Septum | Westside Face

Surgery to Correct a Deviated Septum

How to Know if Your Blocked Nasal Passage Requires Septoplasty

If your nasal septum is off-center, it’s possible you have a deviated septum. A deviated septum can be due to a birth defect or an injury sustained to the nose. It’s marked by an uneven placement of the wall between the nostrils, and while it may be seen as a cosmetic issue, it can also cause a variety of health concerns, as well.

This condition can lead to dry mouth, difficulty breathing, increased snoring, decreased exercise tolerance, and diminished overall quality of life. Luckily a nose can be repaired through septoplasty surgery in Los Angeles when a deviated septum starts making it difficult to live life normally. This procedure can also treat chronic sinusitis, remove nasal polyps, and treat other conditions that block the nasal airway. Occasionally, surgeons will recommend a septoplasty to stop frequent nosebleeds.

Septorhinoplasty is a procedure done on the nose and nasal septum to clear any blockages, as well as improve the appearance. Septum repair is a way to clear nasal passages by straightening it, which can be done with or without cosmetic alterations to the outside of the nose.

Good Candidates for Septorhinoplasty

It is not uncommon for the septum to be slightly off-center, but a deviated septum that requires surgery will interfere with breathing. One nostril may be bigger than the other, and the blocked nostril will induce a variety of health issues. Around 80% of people have a septum that is off-center, but those with a severely deviated septum will be the ones to experience discomfort.  </span

A deviated septum can be the cause behind the following problems:

  • Sleep apnea 
  • Difficulty breathing, especially through the nose 
  • Frequent sinus infections 
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Snoring or loud breathing during sleep 
  • Nasal congestion or pressure
  • Facial pain

Your doctor can provide you with a variety of options to treat this condition that don’t include surgery. While these non-surgical options do not resolve a deviated septum, they treat the symptoms that accompany it. Common treatments include: 

  • Decongestants 
  • Antihistamines 
  • Nasal steroid spray 
  • Nasal strips

However, these treatment options may not be enough. Those with a severely deviated septum will need surgery to correct it. The costs can range between $6,000 to $30,000 depending on the severity of the case. 

The Septoplasty Procedure

Before your procedure, you should avoid medications like ibuprofen or aspirin. Your doctor will also ask you to give up smoking, as it can interfere with the recovery process. To help with the procedure, you will be given either general or local anesthetic, and you may or may not be awake for this short surgery. 

Septoplasty is done internally through the nose, meaning that there will be no scarring after the surgery. Surgical instruments prevent the surgeon from needing to cut the skin on the outside of the nose. During the surgery, your facial plastic surgeon will reshape whatever cartilage and bone are blocking your airways. 

The surgery usually takes under two hours. Septum repair is classified as an outpatient procedure, meaning the patient can leave afterward barring the need for an overnight stay at the office. Your doctor will probably insert splints into your nostrils to support the septum as it heals.

What to Expect After Surgery

It is common to experience swelling around your nose, upper lip area, or under your eyes after deviated septum surgery. You may also have some purplish bruising around your nose and eyes. 

Your nose may be sore and will bleed a little, but it’s important not to blow your nose during the recovery process. Instead, use a drip pad to absorb any mucus or blood from your nasal passageways, and change it out whenever it soaks through. Keep in mind that bleeding is completely normal following surgery.

As for getting back to your normal life, you will probably be able to return to work within a few days after surgery, and most people are able to return to their regular routine in about 3 weeks. Most people recover fully in two months. You should schedule a follow-up visit with your surgeon three to four months after your surgery to make sure everything is healing normally.

Westside Face has leading facial plastic surgeries in Los Angeles that can fix your deviated septum. One of our skilled plastic surgeons can straighten your nasal septum as well as give you a rejuvenated appearance. During your consultation, one of our doctors will walk you through the procedure and the recovery process to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. 

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