Ways Rhinoplasty Can Change the Nose | Westside Face

Ways Rhinoplasty Can Change the Nose

Your Doctor Can Fix Multiple Issues With Your Nose

Rhinoplasty is the most popular facial surgery in Los Angeles. One thing our patients enjoy about the procedure is that it lasts forever, so one surgery provides patients with long-lasting results that they love.

Dr. Aynehchi is one of the only double-board certified surgeons for facial plastic surgery in the country. He’s been performing Nose jobs in Los Angeles for decades, gaining notoriety in primary and revision rhinoplasty, with a large proportion of his nasal surgery correcting prior work by other surgeons.

We pay close attention to our patients’ desires in order to achieve the highest client satisfaction possible, but we also emphasize how small but impactful changes often make for the best cosmetic surgery results.

We hear a seemingly endless list of reasons why our patients don’t like their nose, and our surgical expertise can correct even minute issues.

Large Dorsal Hump

The dorsal hump is the curved top of the middle of the nose, and it’s what often contributes to those who think they have a big nose. Smoothing out the hump in someone’s nose is one of the most common alterations our rhinoplasty surgeons in Los Angeles perform.

The large bridge of the nose can appear larger as we age due to a loss of nasal tip support. It’s also a trait that is often associated with the elderly. Patients often find that they appear younger when the bridge of the nose is softened.

Saddle Nose 

We can also treat the opposite issue of a large dorsal hump, as a fallen bridge of the nose is something our doctors frequently treat. A flattened top of the nose can be the result of nasal trauma or insufficient cartilage and bone. The bridge of the nose can even fall if a previous doctor has removed too much of the cartilage in the bridge, making it collapse.

A saddle nose is often demonstrated in the side profile and not as noticeable from the front, but its wide and undefined appearance can be a real blow to the self-esteem.

Crooked Nose

A crooked nose can be natural, or it can be due to a deviated septum. Deviations in the nasal septum often give it a C or S shape, and this can be noticeable enough to disrupt your daily functions like breathing or sleeping, or you may not notice it at all. In fact, around 80% of the population has a septum that is crooked in some way, but in most people, it’s not off-center enough to bother them.

Our doctors can perform septoplasty to fix your crooked septum.

A crooked nasal septum can result in chronic sinus congestion, also known as chronic sinusitis. It can often impede your ability to breathe, and if that’s the case then it’s medically necessary to alter it. Unlike Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery, septoplasty for medical purposes should be covered by your insurance.

Bulbous Tip

In some situations, patients may be completely happy with how their septum looks, but they may be dissatisfied with the tip. A bulbous tip is when the tip of one’s nose has a round, wide tip without much definition.

A bulbous tip can be caused by poor cartilage strength, hypertrophic lower lateral cartilages, and a round dome shape of the tip that occurs naturally. Rhinoplasty surgery in LA can be done to reshape the tip of the nose.

Downturned Tip 

A downturned tip may make one feel unattractive and unhappy with their profile. It’s especially common in our Middle Eastern patients, and we can minimize the droopy tip of a nose while maintaining the classic Middle Eastern characteristics of the nose.

A droopy, downturned tip can be fixed by removing additional cartilage that may pull the tip downward. It can also be solved through injecting fillers in the area, as fillers will give the skin around the nose more definition as well as improve the shape of the overall nose. This can take attention away from the tip by working around it. Fillers are much cheaper than rhinoplasty surgery, but they do not last as long.

About Our Plastic Surgery Office 

The plastic surgery specialists of Westside Face emphasize preserving the bone structure and skin vitality that’s unique to each individual patient while making small, but impactful, improvements. This technique allows us to rejuvenate patient’s faces by enacting small and deliberate changes that make a huge difference. Each patient that undergoes cosmetic enhancement at Westside Face can expect:

  • Natural-looking changes
  • Long-lasting results
  • Shortest possible recovery time

Plastic surgery patients often want to return to their everyday life ASAP after a procedure, and our approach allows a speedy recovery. Minimal downtime plays a huge role in client satisfaction.

Our award-winning closed scarless rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, facelifts, and necklifts will make you feel beautiful inside and out. Schedule a consultation with an aesthetic specialist at Westside Face today by calling 310-846-8519 or emailing appointments@westsideface.com.

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