Rhinoplasty for Hooked Noses | Westside Face

Rhinoplasty for Hooked Noses

Our Middle Eastern Nose Jobs Can Fix Your Hump and Downturned Tip

If you find yourself hating photos of you taken from the side, you may have already considered changing the size and shape of your nose.

The most common nose that people seek rhinoplasty to correct is called an aquiline nose. This nose shape is characterized by a hump in the middle and a droopy, downturned tip. Some who have this kind of nose may dislike it, and we find that our female patients feel it takes away from their femininity.

This kind of hooked nose occurs most often in those with European or Middle Eastern heritage. While a patient may be proud of their heritage, they don’t have to keep their nose shape if they don’t like it.

Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery is about helping patients achieve self-confidence by adjusting their features to something that satisfies them. If it’s a patient’s hooked nose that makes them feel unattractive, we can fix this. We can keep the general shape of the nose while making it smaller and less obtrusive, but we can also change it completely.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

In order to fix this cosmetic issue, your cosmetic surgeon will need to give you a nose job to make the nose smaller. The most ideal result from an aquiline nose job is to make the nose complement the cheekbones, eyes, chin, and other facial features.

A good nose job surgeon will make sure each procedure is customized to fit a patient’s facial features and give them a natural-looking result.

Before your procedure, our plastic surgery office requires that you come in for a consultation. This consultation will be focused on your issues with your appearance and what can be realistically achieved through surgery.

Your rhinoplasty surgeon from Westside Face will show you a digitally altered photo with the mockup of the end result. This way, you can be sure that your new nose looks good on your face.

To fix a hooked nose, the doctor will do either closed scarless rhinoplasty or if extensive work needs to be done, they will choose open rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty will leave a scar under your nostrils, but it will be as faint as possible. If you wear makeup, you won’t have a problem obscuring the scars.

The procedure will involve minimizing the bump in your nose so that your profile is straight. The most common way botched nose jobs happen is when a surgeon gets overzealous in removing cartilage and bone around the septum. Instead of minimizing the hump, the bridge of the nose collapses completely.

The tip of your nose may be drooping, and our doctors can remove the excess material that may be pulling it down. They can also adjust the degree to make the tip turn more upward, eliminating the downturned angle.

Why Choose Westside Face?

There are plenty of places to get a nose job in Los Angeles, but you’ll find that Westside Face has the best doctors for rhinoplasty. Our doctors have thousands of rhinoplasty procedures under their belts, and our head surgeon, Dr. Aynehchi is one of the only double board-certified surgeons in the state.

This means that you couldn’t have a better doctor doing your rhinoplasty. Our office specializes in ethnic rhinoplasty, and we have a set method of approach for the traditional nasal structure of each area of heritage. We can provide natural looking nose jobs for people of the following ethnicities:

If you are middle eastern and want to minimize or change your hooked nose, contact our specialists for middle eastern nose jobs. As a middle eastern native himself, Dr. Aynhehchi understands the importance of fixing certain features while maintaining their general spirit.

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