Neck Lift FAQ’s - Westside Face

Neck Lift FAQ’s

Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgery

Does a neck lift cover only the neck and throat area?

No. It also covers the area just under the jawline. A neck lift is designed to smooth out and eliminate fat deposits in the neckline. As a result, it also gets rid of the flabby double chin and the saggy neck. These services and more are available at our facelift Los Angeles office.

What is the difference between a neck lift and a facelift?
Like its name suggests, a neck lift focuses on the skin and sagginess from under the jaw to the throat. We also offer what we call saggy neck surgery Los Angeles at our office. A facelift focuses on the area between the cheeks and jawline, the mouth included. One thing that both procedures have in common is that they’re often filled by fat from the abdomen or thighs. The unwanted fat gives more volume to the saggy or wrinkled areas. It makes for a healthier and more radiant look. Injections, such as Botox and Radiesse, are also commonly used.

Is there any difference between a neck lift and platysmaplasty?
Yes. A basic neck lift focuses on eliminating fat deposits, firming the skin and muscles. Platysmaplasty, on the contrary, involves a complete reconstruction of the neck areas. It involves repairing and/or reconstructing double chins, sagging skin and excessive fat in the jowls. It also involves redirecting neck bands and cords. We’re happy to explain it in more detail in our Los Angeles facial plastic surgery office.

What else is involved in a neck lift?
There is also a procedure called the SMAS-Platysma lift. It focuses on lifting and tightening the skin on the neck and throat area. It makes for a healthier and more toned look in that area. We offer SMAS here in our neck lift Los Angeles office.

Should I expect scars?
Small surgical scars are common after a neck lift surgery. They’re barely noticeable in the majority of cases. If yours is somewhat visible, you’ll probably be able cover it with make-up until it disappears. Generally, scars take between two and four weeks to become completely unnoticeable. With facelifts, scars are generally hidden by the hairline or your natural facial contours.

If anything does go wrong, please contact our neck lift Los Angeles office as soon as possible.

How long does a neck- or facelift last?
Neck lifts last between 10 and 15 years. Facelifts tend to last an average of 15 years. However, treatment results vary depending on how well you take care of your skin and your health post surgery. It’s also important to remember that surgery doesn’t stop the aging process and can’t make you look 20 years old again. For example, our saggy neck surgery Los Angeles service lightens the sag. But it can’t put your 20-year-old high elastin production back. The point of the surgeries is to help you boost your confidence by making you look healthier.

What should I expect during a consultation?
One of our qualified plastic surgeons will be happy to address all of your questions. He or she will explain the process of the procedures in our facial lift surgery Los Angeles clinic. We strive to maintain our good reputation within the facelift Los Angeles circle and are not satisfied unless you are. As a result, we strive to hire the best experts we can for our facial lift surgery Los Angeles team.

If you think you may qualify for a face- or neck lift, please contact our Los Angeles plastic surgery office for a consultation today.

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