Megan Fox's Plastic Surgery Enhancements - Westside Face

Megan Fox’s Plastic Surgery Enhancements

Megan Fox has recently been making headlines for her relationship with Colson Baker, professionally known as Machine Gun Kelly. Though the actress has always been a household name. Over the years Fox has been praised for her beautiful, youthful appearance. But what may have started as a few subtle enhancements has now turned into an apparent plastic surgery addiction. As much as she tries to deny it, her recent appearance on Ellen speaks volumes.

Her Nose and Cheekbones Look Stiffer 

The goal of plastic surgery is to provide patients with a subtle enhancement. Fox’s face – while symmetrical – has an unnatural imbalance. When we talk about cheekbones and natural elements, it is usually due to genetics or age. Too many fillers or facial injections can have an adverse effect. Though her face is smooth and soft, the cheekbones look slightly unnatural.

Her Chin Looks Much Thinner and Very Pronounced 

As we age, many of us begin to lose our chins. We begin to fill out around the neck and in our cheeks. However, Fox is down to her chin line on her lower face. It shows that she has had plastic surgery done in which a plastic surgeon may have thinned out her chin line.

The Benefits of Seeing a Certified Plastic Surgeon 

Let’s face it. Megan Fox is a young, beautiful girl. Years of hitting the gym and being a professional actress have honed her natural beauty into something gorgeous. But too many enhancements can do more harm than good. That’s why it’s important to turn to a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who looks out for their patients’ best interest. There are a wide range of procedures designed to subtly change your appearance, creating a much softer look.

Megan Fox has been known to have had some plastic surgery done over the years, but not in the same way that she has now. In the early stages of Fox’s career there’s no denying that facial cosmetic surgery has undoubtedly created a much fresher appearance. If you’re considering plastic surgery, you can reach out to our office to schedule a consultation!

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