How Many Times Can You Get Revision Rhinoplasty? - Westside Face

How Many Times Can You Get Revision Rhinoplasty?

Whether you had a botched nose job the first time or you’re just a fickle person, you may be looking into undergoing rhinoplasty a second or third time. Especially if you emerge from the procedure feeling more insecure than you did before. 

Rhinoplasty redo surgery that follows the initial procedure is called revision rhinoplasty. Revision rhinoplasty is performed on around 15% of rhinoplasty patients that are unhappy with their results. Sometimes your nose is hardly changed and other times you feel like they removed entirely too much cartilage. If you break your nose after you get a nose job, you’re going to want another one. 

Diana Agron of the television show “Glee” admitted to multiple nose jobs after an accident broke her nose. A nose job is something you want done right the first time, but even celebrities sometimes have to get more than one.

Rhinoplasty is considered by many to be the most challenging Los Angeles facial plastic surgery because of the nose’s complex intersecting concavities and convexities. You should always choose a surgeon with a long history of satisfied rhinoplasty clients. 

Our clinic strives to make small but impactful changes during our rhinoplasty surgery in Los Angeles. Trying to do too much is what quickly leads to nasal collapse and a botched nose job. During your meeting with your nose job specialist, you need to have an honest discussion about what can be achieved through one surgery. 

If you feel worse about your appearance than you did before, then you may want to undergo a revision rhinoplasty. This can be done, but you should always choose a specialist for revision rhinoplasty in Los Angeles since this procedure is so delicate. 

People often ask “how many times can I get rhinoplasty surgery?” when they are having trouble reaching their dream nose. You can get rhinoplasty surgery as many times as you’d like, but each round of rhinoplasty is more difficult than the last, and it leaves room for more things to go wrong. Especially if closed scarless rhinoplasty is not an option for you, having multiple surgeries on the same area can make scarring more noticeable. 

You want a cosmetic surgeon with a steady hand and artistic approach. Dr. Aynehchi of Westside Face is a nose job specialist and miracle worker. He examines every patient’s nose shape and inner makeup to ensure the most desirable results that don’t require a second round of rhinoplasty. 

However, he often treats those with botched nose jobs in Los Angeles so that they can start feeling better and, in some cases, start breathing better. As a double-board certified plastic surgeon, he knows the ins and outs of the nose to make impactful changes that leave minimal scarring. 

Schedule a consultation with Westside Face so that we can conduct a nose job revision that will be your last. Our clients are happy with their results, which you can see in our gallery.

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