How Can I Fix Dark Eye Circles?

How Can I Fix Dark Eye Circles?

How a Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles Can Fix Your Dark Eye Circles

Dark eye circles are one of the most common points of insecurity in people. Especially as you age, the space beneath your eyes can become darker, making you look older. Both men and women often ask our doctors what kind of treatment for correcting dark undereye circles will work for them.

When our Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery specialists are asked to treat dark eye circles, we tell our patients that treatment depends on the cause, as many conditions may cause you to have dark eye circles.

Why Do I Have Dark Circles Under My Eyes?

Though they can affect all people of all ages, the following people experience dark circles most often:

  • Elderly
  • Have a genetic predisposition to this condition called periorbital hyperpigmentation
  • Are from non-white ethnic groups, as those with darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation

While fatigue may seem like the cause of this condition, there are multiple reasons why someone may develop dark circles under their eyes.

It’s common to develop dark eye circles as you age. It’s normal for your skin to start sagging over time, especially in high-movement areas such as the eyes. Your body also starts to decrease collagen production once you turn 25 and lower the amount more and more each year, resulting in sunken eyes and cheekbones. If aging is the cause of your dark circles, they are likely due to the sagging of your eyes, and the darkness is a shadow.

Spending hours and hours on your computer, tablet, or phone can cause you to develop dark eye circles. Screens emit blue light, which can be bad for your eyes. To look into the light of your device, you must strain your eyes, and this will cause the blood vessels under your eyes to enlarge. The enlarged blood vessels will make the skin under your eyes appear darker.

If you suffer from allergies, you may have dark circles under your eyes. Histamines are what your body releases when you are suffering an allergic reaction. They can cause itchiness, redness, and puffy eyes, and they can also make your blood vessels dilate and become more noticeable. Avoid touching your eyes, as this can make the skin around your eyes darker.

The sun can greatly damage your skin. As everyone knows, spending time outside in the sun can darken your skin, but too much sun can cause hyperpigmentation around your eyes.

In almost all cases, dark eye circles are natural and do not require medical attention; their treatment is purely cosmetic.

How Can I Fix the Dark Circles Under My Eyes?

When you visit our Los Angeles cosmetic specialists, we will determine the course of treatment depending on what we think the cause is. We offer dark eye circle treatment in Los Angeles for those who want a rejuvenated, youthful appearance.


If old age is the cause behind your dark eye circles, then our cosmetic doctors will need to fill out those sunken eyes. They can do this either through dermal fillers in Los Angeles or even fat fillers for the face in Los Angeles. The purpose of this surgery is to fill out those dips beneath your eyes with a bio-safe substance.

All our fillers are natural materials, minimizing the chance of an allergic reaction. When you come into our office for Los Angeles facial fillers, you can relax knowing that your non-surgical treatment is being done by expert doctors trained in the art of purposeful injection so that your results are desirable and natural.

Fat Transfer

If you have a lot of allergies or skin sensitivities, then injecting a foreign substance may not be the best idea. For those who are at risk of reacting negatively to a dermal filler, our Los Angeles cosmetic doctors will suggest facial fat transfer as an option to fix your dark under eyes. Facial fat transfer uses fat from your own body to fill out sunken areas. The fat is often taken from your belly, thighs, or hips to fill out areas you may feel are flat, sunken, or hollow.

This procedure takes a bit longer than dermal fillers, as there are more steps to the process. Following the short recovery period, you should see the results of your fat transfer procedure in one to two weeks.

Laser Treatments

If the dark circles under your eyes are due to hyperpigmentation, and you can combat the overproduction of melanin by undergoing laser treatments in Los Angeles. A laser skin resurfacing treatment will use a powerful, yet safe, laser to lighten the spots on your skin. Lasers used for skin treatments can be pointed specifically at your undereyes, causing no pain to your actual eyes.

Laser skin resurfacing will also boost your body’s collagen production, giving you firmer and smoother skin that will develop over the next few weeks after your treatment. This procedure offers a speedy recovery, and you can get back to your regular activities the next day.

Lightening Creams

The skin under your eyes is thin, and it can show dark veins, especially if they are enlarged. If your Los Angeles aesthetic specialist decides that dark vasculature under the skin is causing your under eyes to darken, they will prescribe you a lightening agent. Triluma is the most common cream used for lightening darkened skin.

Triluma is a combination of flucinolone, hydroquinone, and tretinoin, a cream used to lighten specific areas of the face. It’s used to treat facial melasma over a short period of time, usually less than 8 weeks.

Visiting a Doctor

Whatever procedure you may need, we can handle it so that you can achieve the look of your dreams. We will give you a new look that makes you feel younger and more confident.

Our doctors also conduct your procedure with the highest amount of care so that you are back on your feet and enjoying your new look in a very short amount of time. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can treat those pesky dark eye circles.

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