Does Liposuction Last Long Term? - Westside Face

Does Liposuction Last Long Term?

Liposuction is one of the most common forms of cosmetic surgery largely because the results are almost immediate. Removing fat from one’s face can really increase confidence, so many choose it as their first facial cosmetic surgery experience.

Despite how much you exercise, there are certain areas where fat can’t seem to go away. One of these is the chin area, and many experience a stubborn double chin or jowls despite having relatively low body fat.

When you choose to undergo facial fat removal via liposuction, you may notice an immediate change, but many patients note that the change isn’t as drastic as they expected. It’s important to understand that the body responds to liposuction by filling the area with fluid, so it will likely be a few weeks before you notice the final results.

A common concern for patients is whether or not the results from their neck lipo procedure will be long-lasting or if the fat will return.

Results from liposuction are generally long-lasting as long as you don’t gain a large amount of weight. While the fat is removed from your body, it doesn’t mean that it won’t come back if you gain weight.

The amount of fat removed through neck and chin liposuction is less than a pound, so really the only thing the patient needs to worry about is not gaining additional pounds. In cases where liposuction patients gained a considerable amount of weight, such as 10 or more pounds, new fat cells will develop in all areas of the body, including the area where fat was suctioned out.

If you are interested in getting neck liposuction, our doctors from Westside Face are some of the best specialists to see for this procedure. In addition to removing excess fat from around your face, they can also strategically sculpt your jawline by removing and keeping certain areas.

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