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5 Reasons An Eyelid Lift Can Help You Look Awake And Refreshed

  Whether your eyelids are droopy and puffy due to genetics, lack of sleep or age, you don’t have to deal with this issue. If your eyelids are causing you to feel self conscious, eyelid surgery Los Angeles might be in your near future. You’re not alone with how you’re feeling and how you look. Many men and women experience this at some point in their lifetime. There can also be underlying medical conditions that can cause this area of your face to seem more tired than others. Whether it’s a cosmetic issue or it’s affecting your quality of life, looking into Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery is an option. A professional who is experienced and reputable can help you look and feel younger. Eyelid Sagging The skin on your eyelids and around your eyes has a high level of elasticity. When your skin begins to lose this elasticity, it will begin to sag quite a bit. With the thinnest skin on your body being on your eyes, an eyelid lift Los Angeles is actually a very common procedure. You’ll be able to see better, your eyes will appear more widely opened and you’ll have less wrinkles. If you have sagging skin in your brow area, a Los Angeles brow surgery can help improve this area as well. Getting Rid of Those Wrinkles People often think they look old and tired because of the wrinkles that are around their eyes. If you were to get rid of this sign of aging, your face would look much younger and more refreshed. During the process of a lower eyelid wrinkle reduction Los Angeles, small incisions will be used to remove excess skin around the eye area. This will reduce the amount of wrinkles that remain. Fat can also be repositioned to create a more natural looking eye area. The goal is to increase the natural volume of the skin, which will result in a more youthful look. Bags Under Your Eyes Some people develop bags under their eyes when they’re tired, but there are a number of people who have them all the time. They can make you look pretty tired even when you’ve gotten a full eight hours of sleep. If you have lower eyelid drooping, a lower eyelid wrinkle reduction Los Angeles surgery can assist. The area of your eyes with the bags will be surgically removed and sculpted to create a tighter look. Excess fat will be removed with a hidden incision on the back of the lower eyelid. There is no visible scarring after everything has healed. Your eyes are something that people notice when they look at you. In order to put your best foot forward, you can contemplate a Los Angeles brow surgery or eyelid lift Los Angeles. There are a few different Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery procedures that can help you look your best. Whether you’re trying to get ahead in the professional world or you want to revamp your personal life, restoring your youthful glow can make a big difference. West Side Face is staffed with some of the most reputable and trustworthy professionals in the area. Whatever you’re looking to achieve with eyelid surgery Los Angeles, you’ll be able to get the results that you crave.


Which Facelift Procedure Is Right for You?

Not all facelifts are the same, and the facelift one patient chooses depends on what is troubling them about a certain area of their face or even their neck. Before any type of surgery, the patient and the plastic surgeon have a consultation to discuss the patient’s needs and what type of surgery can be done to fulfill them. Here are some types of facial lift surgery Los Angeles: Traditional Facelift A traditional facelift Los Angeles is for people who are bothered by moderate to severe aging seen on their face. When a patient opts for this surgery, the doctor makes incisions into the hairline and around the ears and may even make an incision below the chin. They carefully separate the skin from the muscles beneath it and tighten the muscles, trim the excess skin, and redrape it. They may also perform a neck lift Los Angeles to remove unwanted fat from the jowls and the neck. Mini Facelift In the mini facelift, the cosmetic surgeon utilizes smaller incisions in the hairline where they can’t be seen and trims away unwanted tissue while tightening the skin. The mini facelift is also called the weekend facelift because the patient can have the surgery on Friday, rest over the weekend and resume their normal tasks on Monday. S-Lift This is a surgery meant to correct signs of aging and flabbiness in the jowls and the neck. It can also be called saggy neck surgery Los Angeles. It’s called the S-lift because the doctor makes an S-shaped incision in order to tighten the muscles, skin and other tissue in the neck. Mid Facelift This facelift helps the middle of the patient’s face or their cheeks. As with the mini facelift, incisions are made in the hairline just above their ears where they can’t be easily seen. In some operations, the surgeon even makes incisions in the mouth to access the fat pads in the cheeks and rearrange them over the cheekbones. Cutaneous Lift The cutaneous facelift corrects signs of aging in the lower part of the face and the neck by trimming and tightening the skin. A cutaneous lift doesn’t last as long as facelifts that also treat underlying muscle, as the skin still loses its elasticity over time. MACS Lift The MACS, or Minimal Access Cranial Suspension lift can be thought of as a hybrid of the S-lift and the traditional facelift Los Angeles. The recovery time for this type of facial lift surgery Los Angeles is longer than the recovery time for an S-lift but shorter than the recovery time for the traditional facelift. Neck Lift There are two kinds of neck lift Los Angeles surgery. One is the cervicoplasty, and the other is the platysmaplasty. Cervicoplasty is another type of saggy neck surgery Los Angeles because it takes away saggy skin from the neck. The platysmaplasty is a deeper type of surgery and tightens the muscles in the neck as well as removes sagging skin.


Does Your Voice Change After Septoplasty?

Septoplasty can have side effects on your body. One of the most hypothesized effects is a change in voice. Septoplasty basics To start things off, you’re probably considering Los Angeles facial plastic surgery. A Los Angeles septorhinoplasty procedure is designed to straighten your bones and make you look your best. Septorhinoplasty Los Angeles is always conducted by professionals that have many years of experience in the industry. You’ll be taken care of from start to finish, and your vocal chords will be kept intact. It’s a common misconception that you will notice any significant changes after the procedure. When done correctly, it’s an amazing look that will last for years. Voice change Next in line, how does septoplasty affect your voice? It’s usually in a favorable manner. After a septoplasty procedure Los Angeles, you’ll be in normal physical shape. After deviated septum repair Los Angeles, there’s no reason to believe that your voice will change at all. In fact, you can talk as much as you want without noticing a difference. It doesn’t matter if you whisper in a library or yell at the top of your lungs. You’ll be able to perform all  your routine functions just like you did before surgery. In addition, there will be no change in the pitch of your voice. You’re free to record your voice before and after to detect any tiny changes. In the vast majority of cases, there will be none. Septoplasty in LA Last but not least, there are many good options for Los Angeles facial plastic surgery. You can look into septorhinoplasty Los Angeles via a number of references. A Los Angeles septorhinoplasty procedure is designed to be very brief and get you back on your feet in no time. After a septoplasty procedure Los Angeles, you’ll be looking your very best and ready to socialize with friends. Deviated septum repair Los Angeles is quite easy to find as opposed to other cities in the United States. It’s never a good idea to put off this type of surgery. The longer you wait, the more of a chance that your nose becomes misaligned again. This is a very serious matter, and you want to look into septoplasty the moment you notice that something is awry. Conclusion At the moment, when all is said and done, your voice should not change after septoplasty. If it does change, it’s due to a different cause. You can go ahead with surgery knowing that your voice will be unaltered!


Is Your Nose Broken in a Nose Job?

Some people who have decided to undergo rhinoplasty surgery Los Angeles wonder if the surgery requires their nose to be actually broken. For most types of nose jobs Los Angeles, the answer is “No.” If there’s a bump in the nose that the patient wants to get rid of, the surgeon can smooth it down during the operation. Now and then the surgeon does need to break the nasal bones if they can’t smooth down an unsightly bump. If they don’t, the patient’s nose ends up looking wider than it was before, and they may have what’s called an open-roof deformity. This defect is caused when bone and cartilage in the nose are removed instead of rearranged. If the nasal bone is broken, it can be put together to create a narrow and more aesthetically pleasing bridge. This type of broken nose surgery is called an osteotomy. Thousands of nose jobs Los Angeles are done every year, which makes rhinoplasty the most common Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery. The operation goes beyond improving the patient’s looks, for rhinoplasty Los Angeles can help them breathe better. A surprising number of patients who opt for the surgery have something a bit wrong with their septum or their turbinates, structures in the nose that help with breathing. Because of this, many nose job specialists Los Angeles not only corrects the look of the nose but improves its functioning at the same time. Another thing to know is that though cosmetic Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery such as rhinoplasty is usually not covered by insurance, functional rhinoplasty is. About the Surgery Rhinoplasty Los Angeles is done under general anesthesia, which means the patient is completely asleep and does not feel any pain. Though they’ll need to be observed for a while in a recovery area after the surgery, rhinoplasty is also an outpatient procedure. This means that the patient doesn’t have to spend a night in the hospital or clinic. The nose job specialist Los Angeles makes an incision in the space between the nostrils, and when the incision heals it is hard to see. They’ll then make incisions inside of the nose, and the scars from these incisions are never seen. The incisions allow the surgeon to access the bone and cartilage, and reshape the nose. After the Surgery Though the patient goes home soon after their rhinoplasty, they’ll need to recover at home for at least a week. They should have someone drive them home and prepared their home in advance for their recuperation. During their recovery they should sleep with their head elevated, ease the swelling and discomfort with ice packs,and perform careful nasal cleansing. Because there are splints in their nose, they’ll need to breathe through their mouth for a while. A week after their rhinoplasty surgery Los Angeles, the patient comes to the doctor’s office, and the splints are removed. Though the patient can return to their regular activities after about two weeks, it may take several months until they see the final shape of their nose.


Scar Removal: Are Lasers Your Best Alternative?

How to remove scars, especially facial scars, is a concern for many people in the Los Angeles area where people want to look their best. One option is laser scar reduction Los Angeles. This treatment is part of a dermatologist’s repertoire like laser skin resurfacing Los Angeles and laser wrinkle reduction Los Angeles. Scar revision using lasers is a common procedure performed at our Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery center, but it’s important to know who is or isn’t a good candidate for laser scar reduction Los Angeles. This means that a patient first has a consultation with a dermatologist. After they are approved, they can set up an appointment for laser skin resurfacing Los Angeles. The treatment is an outpatient procedure, which means the patient can leave our Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery facility soon after their session and rest for a couple of days afterwards. This means the best time to get laser treatment for scar removal is just before the weekend or a holiday. Some other things to know about laser scar revision is that the scar will probably not go away completely, but the dermatologist will help it blend in with the surrounding skin. It can also be a bit uncomfortable. During the laser resurfacing, the patient rests in a treatment chair. Their eyes are protected by goggles, and they are given a sedative to keep them comfortable. Then, the dermatologist uses a handheld device to remove the top layer of the scar and stimulate the deeper layers of the skin to produce collagen to keep the skin elastic. The two most popular types of lasers that reduce scars are the CO2 laser and the Erbium: YAG laser. The CO2 laser is used for deeper, thicker scars. Because it’s so powerful, the patient should expect a downtime of up to two weeks. The Erbium: YAG laser is for shallow scars. It is more comfortable to undergo than the CO2 laser treatment, and it takes about a week to recover. These treatments take between one and two hours. Fractionated laser resurfacing is another type of laser that reduces the look of scars. This treatment uses tiny, intensely focused beams of laser light to penetrate the patient’s skin. The holes this creates are microscopic, but the body treats them as an injury and works to remove the old skin cells around them while producing collagen and fresh, new skin cells. Though fractionated laser resurfacing is more comfortable than Erbium: YAG laser or CO2 laser, and the patient has little or no downtime, it doesn’t quite work as well as the other lasers. Patients may also need as many as five treatments spaced at weekly intervals. In non-ablative laser resurfacing, the treatment heats the lower epidermis even though the very top layer is untouched. This also prompts the body to create more collagen and new skin cells. Like fractionated laser resurfacing, this treatment has no downtime and takes only between 15 and 30 minutes. Non-ablative laser resurfacing is also used for laser wrinkle reduction Los Angeles.


Do Fillers Work on Deep Wrinkles?

Patients who come to our Los Angeles facial plastic surgery center often ask if dermal fillers can work on deep wrinkles. The answer, happily, is that they can. Unlike Los Angeles botox injections, fillers add volume to an area, including an area that has deep wrinkles. More good news is that Los Angeles botox injections are regularly used along with dermal fillers for the best effect. Not all dermal fillers Los Angeles are the same when it comes to correcting the look of deep wrinkles. This is because facial fillers Los Angeles are made of different materials, and each one works best on different problems. A thin concentration of hyaluronic acid is good for fine lines, but deep wrinkles require thicker concentrations of dermal fillers Los Angeles. One of these fillers might be calcium hydroxylapatite. Cheek fillers for face lift Los Angeles include poly-L-lactic acid. This filler is different from other facial fillers Los Angeles because it actually stimulates the patient’s body to create more of its own collagen in the area where it’s injected. Another type of dermal filler used at Los Angeles facial plastic surgery centers is the patient’s own fat. This fat is taken from the patient when they come in for liposuction, the popular, minimally invasive treatment that uses a vacuum cannula to remove unwanted fat from parts of the patient’s body such as the thighs, abdomen or buttocks. The fat is placed in syringes which are then placed in a centrifuge. This separates the fat out from other material that was pulled out from the liposuction. The cleansed fat is placed in other syringes and prepared to be injected into the patient. This way, it can remedy deep wrinkles and even serve as cheek fillers for face lift Los Angeles. As with other types of dermal fillers, the patient is free to return for more treatments. Dermal injections are outpatient procedures, and the patient can leave the aesthetician’s office soon after a treatment. After a consultation, the patient sits in a treatment chair. The aesthetician or their assistant cleans the patient’s face and may administer a numbing agent to the skin. Then, the esthetician injects the filler into the area the patient wants corrected with a fine needle. They usually use more than one syringe for an area. If the wrinkle is deep, they may use several. After wrinkle injections Los Angeles the patient rests for a while before they leave. They may be allowed to soothe the treatment areas with an ice pack. When they go home they’ll notice that there’s some redness and swelling where they had the wrinkle injections Los Angeles. Patients who’ve had a fat transfer may believe that the aesthetician added much too much fat to the area, but the amount of fat injected was calibrated very carefully. The aesthetician knows that the patient’s body will process some of the fat over time and that there is a normal amount of post-treatment swelling that also goes away over time.


The Basics Of MOHs Reconstructive Surgery and Skin Cancer

Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery is a popular topic. People always expect that this is a purely elective specialty. What many don’t understand is that Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery can be restorative. Skin cancer surgeries, while important, can leave unsightly marks on the skin. An example of how this happens is through Mohs micrographic surgery. Also known as simply MOHs surgery, this procedure is used as a treatment for skin cancers like basal cell carcinomas and even some melanomas. Originally developed in the 1930s, it’s evolved greatly over the years. Today it’s known as one of the best skin cancer treatment strategies in the world. That’s because Mohs surgery makes it possible to take out as much of the cancer as possible. Mohs surgery is unusual because doctors will analyze the tissue that’s been removed during the procedure. If cancer is found in the sample, the surgeon will continue to take additional layers out until it’s gone. During the analysis portion of the process, the open wound is temporarily covered. Mohs surgery is often done on an outpatient basis. For some Mohs surgeries, no reconstructive surgery is needed. But when Mohs surgery is performed on highly visible areas like the nose, patients often want to pursue reconstructive surgery as an option. One common option for Mohs reconstructive surgery in that area is flap surgery. This is a great technique to use because the flap of skin used to cover the wound is typically still attached at one place. That means there’s less scarring and the healed area looks more natural. This technique is often used for facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles. Other techniques for facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles include things like bone and skin grafts. In some cases, tissue expanders are also sometimes used. However, these are less common procedures than flap type surgery. A good Mohs plastic surgeon Los Angeles will be able to explain which type of procedure is best for an individual patient. Westside Face is a great option for anyone seeking a Mohs plastic surgeon Los Angeles. It’s well-known that this city is a heaven for experienced cosmetic surgeons. What’s less common knowledge is that many of them are great at this form of repair type work. The team at this practice is highly experienced when it comes to skin cancer reconstructive surgery Los Angeles. When choosing where to have skin cancer reconstructive surgery Los Angeles, it’s important to look at the facts. Westside Face has a great reputation for excellence. The surgeons who work here are at the top of their game. They even train medical students at UCLA. They publish in journals internationally. Most importantly, they have thousands of very happy patients who will vouch for the work they do.


Can a Brow Lift Fix Hooded Eyes?

“I have become my mother” or “I see my father’s face in the mirror” are comments surgeons hear from patients considering Los Angeles facial plastic surgery. A common complaint is hooded eyes caused by droopy brows, whether age-related or innate. It can be severe enough to make seeing difficult, requiring hooded eyelid surgery Los Angeles.  Brow lift benefits When brows sag, eyelids appear to follow suit. A brow lift is described by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons as a procedure that “reduces wrinkles, improves frown lines and places the eyebrows in a youthful position.” By extracting fat and skin, and tightening muscles in the forehead, brow lift benefits can extend to a visual improvement of the upper eye area, according to John Hopkins Medicine. Keep this in mind before you decide on double eyelid surgery Los Angeles. The Mayo Clinic suggests a brow lift be considered if a drooping brow is contributing to drooping upper eyelids versus droopy eyelid surgery Los Angeles. The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery highlights other brow lift benefits: A more approachable appearance, reducing the expression of anger or concern. Eyes that show more brightness and alertness. Self-confidence. Approaches to saggy eyelid procedure Los Angeles A saggy eyelid procedure Los Angeles may involve one of several brow lift types. The classic technique, also known as the coronal brow lift, requires anesthesia. An incision begins about the level of the ear and spans the top of the forehead to the other ear. The skin is lifted to take off excess fat and tissue, and the muscles are realigned as needed. The endoscopic approach is performed in an operating room but is minimally invasive. The surgeon uses fiber-optic equipment to raise the brow tissue. The temporal method, which is a modified version of the endoscopic procedure, is the least invasive and can be administered with local anesthesia in a physician’s office. Alternatives After a professional consultation, your surgeon will be able to assess and recommend how to proceed. Some physicians recommend Botox procedures and dermal fillers to address the minor drooping of brows that occur naturally with age, reserving brow lifts for patients born with low brows. These alternatives are noninvasive, and recovery time is relatively short. However, the condition of excess skin and fat in the upper eyelids may lend itself to single or double eyelid surgery Los Angeles. Enhanced outcomes The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), published an article on mid-forehead brow lift, in which it states that outcomes are enhanced when “brow lifts are performed by experienced and skilled surgeons with an intimate knowledge of anatomy, physiology and familiarity with preoperative and postoperative care.” Los Angeles facial plastic surgery patients tout the expertise of Westside Face in performing brow lifts and droopy eyelid surgery Los Angeles. Call for a personal consultation to learn more about brow lift benefits and hooded eyelid surgery Los Angeles to boost a favorable result.


What to do After Neck Lipo?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 17.5 million surgical cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2017. While that’s a staggeringly large statistic, is it any surprise? Any wealthy American would jump at the chance to morph their appearance into a “more attractive” state. Other than breast augmentation, the most popular type of cosmetic surgery is liposuction, the removal of excess fat, and one of the most popular versions of this is neck liposuction Los Angeles. But what exactly is neck liposuction, what are some of the risks, and, most importantly, where can it be done? What is Neck Lipo? Having a “double chin”, or excess fat beneath the chin and above the neck, can be caused by my factors. These include age, diet and weight, genetics, and even posture. And while double chins can be combated through exercise and dieting, there are cosmetic, surgical options to correct the sagging skin. Neck liposuction is interesting because, unlike many cosmetic surgeries, it is not defined by a signal technique, but rather by the patient’s aesthetic goals. Patients can tell their surgeon whether they want a complete reshape of their jaw, or just eliminate the sagging fat on above their neck, and the surgeon will edit their plans to achieve the patient’s desired outcome. What Happens After My Neck Lipo? While the procedure isn’t considered incredibly invasive, there are still several post-operation instructions that need to be followed carefully. After the surgery, it’s important to have someone to drive you home and stay with you overnight in case you need assistance eating, drinking, or getting to the bathroom. Swelling and bruising is totally normal, but watch for any abnormal swelling, including goose egg shapes that feel firm or full of fluid. Ice and heat should both be applied to the surgical area to help with the swelling, and smoking and drinking after the surgery are advised against. Finally, you want to stay up and active as much as possible after surgery, but avoid bending or lifting more than 5 lbs, take extra precaution not to bump your face, and avoid heavily physical exertion and swimming for at least two weeks. Where To Go For Neck Lipo? If you think Neck Lipo is the path you’d like to take, you have many options! In Los Angeles facial plastic surgery is a booming business. One of the best surgeons for Los Angeles facial plastic surgery is Dr. Behrad Brad Aynehchi. Contact us today for a consultation!


Is a Mini Facelift Ever Worth It?

When you start to notice that your neck, cheeks, and jowls are aging, you may be wondering what you can do to stop this natural process. At a Los Angeles facial plastic surgery facility, you can obtain a mini face lift to treat unwanted signs of aging. A mini face lift for jowls Los Angeles offers several benefits over a conventional full face lift for people who are showing signs of aging on the lower part of their face. The procedure is a life saver for many people, so it can definitely be worth it. Check out these great benefits of a mini face lift Los Angeles. Mini Facelift Advantages Smooth, Youthful Look If you don’t have a lot of loosening or sagging in your neck, a mini face lift Los Angeles could give you a smooth, youthful look, which is much better than the “over-operated” look that has often been associated with a full facelift. In fact, most onlookers won’t even know that you received a mini face lift because the results will appear more natural. In order to ensure that you obtain an irresistible natural look, you should have just the right amount of laxity in the neck and jowls for the procedure to be extremely effective.  Less Potential Scarring Contrary to a full face lift, a mini face lift is much less aggressive. As a result of this simple fact, you won’t have to worry about unsightly scarring after the procedure. A mini face lift requires shorter incisions, so that’s why there is less potential scarring. The incisions that are made during the procedure are often hidden among the natural contours of the patient’s face. Most doctors try to make the incisions close to the curves of the ears and the hairline. If you engage in proper aftercare, there’s a good chance that you won’t even notice any scarring. Quick Recovery Time Many people choose a mini face lift over a full face lift because of its quick recovery time. While a full face lift may require several weeks of recovery, many people feel comfortable going back to work within a week of receiving a mini face lift. Due to its quick recovery, the mini face lift is often referred to as the “weekend face lift” because people can receive the face lift on a Friday and return to work the following Monday. A Mini Facelift Is Worth It Do you often find yourself googling “getting rid of jowls Los Angeles” or “sagging jowls treatment Los Angeles?” The good news is that a mini facelift for jowls Los Angeles could be the answer to those google searches. A qualified surgeon at a Los Angeles facial plastic surgery facility can help you determine if a mini face lift is right for you or if you’re better off with a full face lift or another type of involved surgery. Most patients will get the results they truly desire after a mini face lift for jowls Los Angeles, so rest assured that you won’t have to google “sagging jowls treatment Los Angeles” or “getting rid of jowls Los Angeles” ever again when you receive a mini face lift.

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