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3 changes on Khloe Kardashian’s face after she shared a new look on Instagram

When it comes to changing looks, the Kardashian’s are no stranger to altering their faces and bodies. On May 22, 2020, it was Khloe’s turn. With a series of new selfies uploaded to Instagram, many of her loyal followers were quick to point out that she’s looking different. Any knowledgeable Los Angeles facial plastic surgery specialist can verify that Kardashian had multiple facial procedures performed. It’s not clear just when Khloe had the procedures performed. However, many people have assumed these facial procedures took place during the lockdown. Is Los Angeles Facial Cosmetic Surgery Possible During Lockdown? Any facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles expert can tell you that the rules regarding cosmetic surgery have changed a bit due to the pandemic. However, cosmetic procedures can still be performed with new safety guidelines as of May 1, 2020. The statewide ban on elective procedures is officially over. A facial plastic surgeon Los Angeles has revealed some of the new guidelines that he utilizes in his practice. First, everyone who enters his office must have a mask on and get their temperature taken. Each person who wants to undergo surgery must take a COVID-19 test 48 hours before their procedure, and it must be negative. What Los Angeles Facial Cosmetic Surgery Did Khloe Get Done? A well-known facial plastic surgeon Los Angeles weighed in on determining what types of procedures Khloe had performed. The surgeon used the Instagram selfies that Kardashian posted both before and post-surgery in his analysis. He determined that Khloe most likely had fat removal, a nose job, and dermal fillers injected. He noted that her nose appeared much thinner in recent Instagram photos than ever before. During her supposed Los Angeles facial plastic surgery, it’s assumed that Kardashian also had buccal fat removal performed on her face. This is a specific procedure that targets removing excess fat in the cheeks to make a more sculpted facial appearance. Lastly, he stated that part of her facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles must’ve included filler injections. Kardashian showcases a more defined jawline than she ever did in the past. It’s a surgeon’s belief that this is due to getting filler injections in the jawline region. What Is A Rhinoplasty Surgery? Commonly referred to as a nose job, a rhinoplasty surgery is performed to change the appearance of the nose. This is done by either modifying the bone or the cartilage. Nose jobs are one of the most popular types of cosmetic surgeries that are performed for both men and women. What Are Filler Injections? Known as injectable dermal fillers, these fillers are used to enhance the volume of areas of the skin. They work to smooth out wrinkles, restore a more youthful look, and plump up the lips in a more pleasing way. Dermal fillers are actually a gel-like substance that gets injected underneath the skin. Fillers are one of the most popular types of facial rejuvenation procedures performed by cosmetic surgeons throughout the country.


The Weeknd Appears With Bizarrely Bandaged Face at 2020 American Music Awards

Popular musician The Weeknd has made headlines recently for something other than his music. He arrived to the American Music Awards with a bruised and bandaged face.  Are We Promoting Glamorized Violence or Creativity? The Weeknd has been known for bold looks that audiences have simply had to love or get over. He stepped into the spotlight with a free growing dreadlock hairstyle that resembled a tree. The talented star then decided to cut his hair and show off a more polished look. Strangely, he has decided to take on an appearance that most celebrities would not dare to show off. The Weeknd has shown up on multiple occasions looking abused and hurt. He has shown up with the bloody and bruised look on Saturday Night Live in March.  Now, he has taken the look to a new extreme with a broken nose, blackened eyes, bloody lips, and a face bandage.  Is he trying to show off his Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery? You can observe this look during his award acceptance speech at the American Music Awards. Fans have also noticed that his performance was very brief and short while wearing this look in one of his performances in October. Fans’ Reaction to His Appearance His fans showed concerns about his appearance. They asked questions like, “What’s up with The Weeknd’s beat up face?” They also said that it seems like he really can’t feel his face when he’s with you. Why does the weekend look like he was getting facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles? Dedication to His Character The Weekend explained that this bloody face was not because of a Los Angeles facial plastic surgery. It was because of his dedication to his role within his music. Does this mean that he was just getting a Los Angeles facial plastic surgery? You can see this look being embraced during his live music video of the song, ” Faith“. The song seems to be about The Weeknd losing his faith in his religion. The sinister lyrics seem to be describing experiences of demons wanting to pull him to his grave. He also expresses feelings that have made him feel that overdosing is a glamorous approach to stopping the pain. Fortunately, he still looks in the mirror and sees someone that he loves. Unfortunately, he might need facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles after wearing this look for so long. These beautiful lyrics have descriptively expressed the hardships and abuse that lots of celebrities have experienced feeling. It seems as though these talented individuals may appear to have a glamorized life. Behind closed doors, they are fighting for their souls so that they can remain the individual that they love. Some fans might even argue that the Weeknd was getting  Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery. His lyrics then describe his experiences in the back of a flashing car. Is he describing how his face got like this? Is he insinuating that he woke up in the back of a car spontaneously with lights shining in his face? Did he get in a car accident that requires reconstruction surgery after an accident? These lyrics may be insinuating that The Weeknd simply does not know what is happening to him. He only knows what he feels that someone or something is doing.  This would explain why he’s not directly addressing his signs of abuse and blaming the person or people that might have done this to him.


More Americans Want Plastic Surgery – Even During the Pandemic

As plastic surgery advances and more Americans are seeing photos of themselves and their peers online, the demand for Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery has increased, even during the pandemic.  Breast augmentation, liposuction, eyelid surgery, nose reshaping, and facelifts were the most popular procedures of 2019, according to American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Minimally invasive procedures such as fillers and laser hair removal are also popular, as they don’t carry the scary stigma of “going under the knife.”  Why People Want Cosmetic Procedures Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery can help people feel more comfortable. When people’s appearances match their ideas of themselves, they can feel more confident. That improved self-image can help take their whole life to the next level. Relationships and career prospects can benefit from that new-found self esteem. Older people who have the disposable income and desire for facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles tend to see it as an investment in themselves. They feel that Los Angeles facial plastic surgery can help keep them. A more fresh-faced appearance may help improve their job prospects as they age. Rather than looking tired, their refreshed appearance matches the energy they feel inside. COVID-19 Has Changed What Patients Are Looking For In 2020, most cities limited elective procedures like cosmetic surgeries for at least part of the stay at home order due to the COVID-19 pandemic that started in March. When lockdowns were lifted, many surgeons were surprised to find that they were as busy, or even more busy, than before. Some plastic surgeons saw more than a 25% increase in demand in June 2020 compared to the prior year. The move to work from home is a big part of this phenomenon. Using tools like Zoom for conference calls meant that professionals were looking at their own faces more than ever before. Many decided that they wanted to do something about the appearance of their chin, neck or jowls. Procedures like neck lifts and thread lifts have become more popular than in previous years. Adjusting To the New Normal As they returned to practice, cosmetic surgeons adopted new protocols and procedures to help combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus. For example, the experts have recommended that practices make use of telemedicine where possible. Initial consultations for facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles are being conducted with the help of tools like Zoom. Telemedicine can also be used for some follow-up appointments. When patients have to come to the office, facial plastic surgeon Los Angeles are strictly enforcing social distancing policies and limiting how many people can be in the waiting room at one time. Office staff should screen patients for symptoms as they arrive to the office. And service providers from nurses to facial plastic surgeon Los Angeles must wear appropriate PPE. Patients, too, can wear masks and gloves for some small procedures. An example of this is Botox injections. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed Los Angeles facial plastic surgery, but arguably for the better. The virus has forced providers to double down on hygiene and deliver the maximum quality of service to patients. Patients, for their part, are more knowledgeable about their appearances and desires than ever before, ensuring that they will like their result. Westside Face has always been held to the highest standards because we understand how strongly facial plastic surgery affects one’s self-esteem. Contact our office to learn firsthand how important each and every patient’s procedure is to our staff.


What are the different types of facial plastic surgery?

Facial plastic surgery has drastically progressed in the past few years People with exceptional facial beauty tend to get more opportunities in this world and have a more fulfilling personal life. Luckily, advancements in facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles allow people to make their face look the way they want it (within reason). While surgery can’t make a person’s face perfect, Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery can definitely improve a person’s appearance and self esteem. Here are the different types of facial plastic surgery: Nose Job The nose is one of the most striking parts of the face, and someone dissatisfied with their nose may find it distracts from their other features. A rhinoplasty is the process of breaking the nose then reconstructing it to be the shape and size the patient desires. While painful, this Los Angeles facial plastic surgery is a great way to change the aesthetic of the face. It will provide a more appealing profile of the patient’s face when turned to the side.  Eyelid Surgery One of the biggest tells of a person’s age is their eyes. People tend to get wrinkles around their eyes before anything else. These wrinkles can make a person seem older than they actually are. An eyelid surgery will help eliminate the wrinkles. The skin will be smoother. The eyes will be able to shine brighter. You won’t need to use nearly as much makeup around the eyes every day either. Chin Implant Many people don’t think about their chin when they look at their face. However, the chin is a large factor in a person’s facial shape. A chin implant is Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery that will help make the face look longer and bring out the cheek bones. The facial plastic surgeon Los Angeles will add silicon to the chin to help create the desired effect. This is one of the least invasive surgeries on the list. Facelift The eyes aren’t the only part of the face that gets wrinkles. With time, wrinkles will develop around the cheeks and the mouth as well. When the entire face has wrinkles that are too deep to fix with creams or noninvasive surgery, it’s time to talk to your facial plastic surgeon Los Angeles about a facelift. The facelift will stretch the facial skin to the point where it looks smoother (and younger). Facial reconstruction surgery Los Angeles is becoming more and more popular. Everyone in Los Angeles wants to look young and attractive, and Westside Face is a Los Angeles facial plastic surgery center that works with clients to achieve their best look. Talk to your local surgeon to learn more about what surgeries will provide the results you want to see when you look into the mirror.


Woman Has Eye Lift After Feeling Embarrassed by Her ‘Tired’ Appearance During Lockdown Zoom Calls

As millions of Americans continue to work from home through the coronavirus pandemic, many employees are looking for ways to improve their appearance for their daily Zoom calls with coworkers. Some are choosing Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery to restore a youthful look to their faces. Helen Fearon, a 57-year-old woman from England, recently underwent eye lift surgery after feeling embarrassed by the way she looked on video calls. Helen is not alone: Harsh lighting and unforgiving camera angles mean that calls over Zoom, Skype and other services are often unflattering. Wrinkles, puffiness and bags under the eyes can be exaggerated. For anyone sharing Helen’s anxiety, saggy eyelid procedure Los Angeles may be the answer. Commenting on Helen’s case, Dr. Ross Perry, a cosmetic surgeon based in London, told the ITV show This Morning, “Zoom has created more of a negative light about how we see ourselves.” Some workers report that they have come to dread video calls, knowing that they will be forced to watch a video feed of their own face along with views of their colleagues. If you are disappointed by the way you look on Zoom, Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery could help to revitalize your appearance and restore your confidence.  A growing trend Eyelid surgery, otherwise known as blepharoplasty, has become increasingly popular in the United States. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 200,000 procedures are completed each year. Cosmetic surgeons in California say they have seen an increase in demand as more and more people are required to join Zoom calls for their jobs. What does it entail? To revitalize the appearance of a patient’s eyes with droopy eyelid surgery Los Angeles, surgeons will carefully remove small amounts of fat and skin from the upper eyelid or lower eyelids. For hooded eyelid surgery Los Angeles, a surgeon may suggest a brow lift. This is slightly more complicated, but can produce a result that looks more natural. Older patients who have noticed ageing in both sets of eyelids may consider double eyelid surgery Los Angeles. A low-risk move Eyelid surgery is widely considered to be a low-risk procedure and can be carried out very safely by qualified surgeons. Following hooded eyelid surgery Los Angeles, some patients notice small areas of bruising or swelling. This is normal and nothing to worry about. It should fade with time. Other patients have experienced a temporary dryness and itchiness in their eyes after double eyelid surgery Los Angeles, but this is easily treated with eye drops. Who is it for? An increasing number of women and men are considering eyelid surgery as early as their 30s. Most take action when they begin to notice lines and sagging around their eyes. Thousands of Californians are choosing to undergo saggy eyelid procedures in Los Angeles each year. As cosmetic eye lift procedures have become more commonplace, any stigma around droopy eyelid surgery Los Angeles has disappeared. When everyone else is getting it, why shouldn’t you?


Neck-Sculpting Treatments That Most Patients Don’t Know About

Double-chin and “turkey neck” are signs of old age. As you get older, fat redeposits in the strangest places at exactly the same time that skin loses its elasticity and begins to droop heavily. The unsightly pair of skin incidences under your chin is probably making you cringe, but it doesn’t have to. There are neck-sculpting treatments of all kinds, including some you probably don’t even know about! Double Chin Reduction Los Angeles Style Who has time for tons of plastic surgery when you live in Los Angeles? It takes a long time to heal from any plastic surgery, which is why so many patients seek out non-surgical procedures at a Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery clinic first before asking for the knife. Thankfully, one particular non-surgical method, Kybella, is able to disintegrate small pockets of fat under your chin with just a bunch of injections given in two or three stages. Some people who have a little extra fat under the chin that Kybella doesn’t quite eliminate after a few rounds can opt for other surgical procedures. This includes a jowl lift, lower facelift, neck lift and a combo neck and double chin reduction Los Angeles patients liken to having a complete face and neck overhaul. If you need chin and neck liposuction Los Angeles plastic surgeons recommend a more traditional surgical approach. Ultherapy: The Neck Fat Removal Los Angeles Patients Swear By This is another non-surgical neck fat removal Los Angeles patients prefer because it leaves no scars and actually feels good as you receive it. That is because the ultherapy is a series of treatments using ultrasound waves to stimulate collagen production and muscle tightening, thereby lifting and reshaping your neck. It tends to feel a little like a neck massage. Depending on how stretched out and saggy your neck is determines the number of recommended treatments before you see an improvement. Slightly Invasive Neck Liposuction Los Angeles Plastic Surgeons Perform Nobody likes the idea of a lot of skin being cut, tucked or lifted. With this neck liposuction Los Angeles doctors provide, the incisions are very small and are under the jawline just out of sight when they heal. A very tiny liposuction cannula is inserted and submental fat is sucked out while the surgeon carefully sculpts your chin, jowls and neck. With this neck lipo procedure Los Angeles patients heal faster than more invasive lipo procedures. Because of the tinier incisions and smaller cannula used for this type of neck lipo procedure Los Angeles patients are able to return to most activities within a couple of days rather than weeks. The cannulas used are even referred to as “microcannulas” because they are hardly larger than most needles for injections, medication administration or blood transfusions. Consult with a Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery doctor to see how these and other possible treatments can turn back the clock on your face and neck for a more youthful look.


Shirley Ballas Admits She’s Considering a ‘Mini Facelift’ After Turning 60 and Noticing Some Skin Starting To ‘Sag

Most people would agree that the best kind of cosmetic work is that in which the face and neck look naturally youthful and refreshed. You want people to notice how amazing you appear and be unable to figure out if you’ve undergone any treatments or surgery. Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery and the mini facelift are the procedures to keep ’em guessing. A mini face lift is the ultimate subtle surgery that many models and celebrities often secretly undergo and rarely dish about, but Shirley Ballas, a judge on the British television dance contest “Strictly Come Dancing,” is happy to share. Ballas revealed that Botox is excellent for keeping wrinkles at bay, but she would seriously consider undergoing a mini facelift at her age of 60. Ballas recently told the UK’s The Sun newspaper that a little skin tightening and lifting under the chin area that allows someone to feel good and more confident isn’t a bad thing. Singer Britney Spears believes in small cosmetic tweaks. In 2013, Spears, then 31, revealed to Harper’s Bazaar magazine that her plastic surgeon “does fun stuff to me sometimes—I’ve had lip injections before.” A mini face lift Los Angeles expert can determine if you’re a good candidate for undergoing this procedure. It’s a popular surgery for getting rid of jowls in Los Angeles and tightening your jawline. According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, thousands of mini facelifts were performed in the United States in 2017 alone, and that number has increased yearly. The mini face lift consists of sagging jowls treatment Los Angeles, and both women and men rave about the results because our highly skilled surgeons perform Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery by using shorter incisions at the temples that continue around the ear that you cannot detect. A mini face lift Los Angeles tightens the cheek and jowl area discretely to elevate the jaw and tighten the nasolabial folds. Another sound reason for choosing to undergo a mini face lift for jowls Los Angeles is the long-lasting results. You can do facial filler for years, but getting rid of jowls Los Angeles is a more permanent procedure and more economical down the road. For many of us, jowls are the enemy, but honestly, it’s hard to avoid developing them. As we get beyond age 40, our skin starts to sag below the chin and/or jawline. The lower cheek muscles lose strength and volume, and this leads to the appearance of jowls. You can learn more details here. That’s why the mini face lift for jowls Los Angeles is the ideal surgery for eliminating the issue. It’s safe, quick and delivers incredible results, and all you need is about a week of downtime for a smooth recovery when you choose this sagging jowls treatment Los Angeles. If you’re interested in getting rid of jowls Los Angeles, look no further than Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery.


Do fat injections in the face work to reduce wrinkles?

Fat Injections in the Face to Reduce Wrinkles As we age, our bodies stop being able to produce as much collagen as they once could. This leads to fine lines. One way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars and fine lines is to fill out the skin from the inside. Try facial fat transfer Los Angeles to restore a youthful appearance, soften wrinkles and even create gentle contours. Facial fat transfers work by gently removing fat from the body and inserting it into the face. As opposed to dermal fillers, fat transfers are all-natural and do not put artificial chemicals in the body. Fat injections are a great choice for those who are allergic to conventional dermal fillers and bovine collagen, as some studies show. Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery specializes in this natural cosmetic procedure. Facial fat injections are easy and quick. First, fat is removed from other areas of the body, such as the hips or abdomen. Then, it’s centrifuged at high speed to remove impurities. Finally, the fat is injected into the face. The entire process takes under an hour and is an outpatient procedure. The cosmetic surgeon will insert the fat into areas with wrinkles and fine lines. Typical insertion points are under the eyes, between the eyebrows, and around the lips. Fat fillers can also be used to create plump lips and accentuate cheekbones. Aftercare for a fat transfer face lift Los Angeles can vary for each person. Typically, bruising will occur in the regions in which the fat was injected. Most people will choose to take a week for the bruises to subside before engaging in social events. Some will choose to stay home from work to rest and recover from the procedure. After a couple of weeks, the bruises will fade and you will be left with glowing, youthful-looking skin. Fat fillers can last for as long as normal dermal fillers. The fat cells that are injected will grow and reproduce like normal cells. Despite this, it can take multiple injections before you see the desired results. Consult with your cosmetic surgeon to learn more about how many procedures it will take to achieve your desired result. If you’re wondering about what it’s like to have a fat transfer face lift Los Angeles, check out this site. For more information about facial fat transfer Los Angeles, check out this article. Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery performs fat fillers for the face in Los Angeles for all kinds of clients looking to feel more confident in their face. Since it’s a relatively safe procedure, it can be a great procedure for clients of all ages. Of course, it’s important to consult your aesthetician to decide if it’s the best choice for you and your needs. If you’re looking for fat fillers for the face in Los Angeles, look no further than Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery.


Are You Tired of Looking Tired? Try the Endoscopic Brow Lift

If you’re unhappy with the aging look of your upper face, you may have researched eyelid lift Los Angeles. Known medically as an endoscopic brow lift, this type of surgical procedure is aimed at refreshing the look of the upper third of the face. It involves removing excess skin that is sagging around the forehead and altering the underlying tissue and muscle to create a more youthful look. How Does Los Angeles Brow Surgery Work? Los Angeles brow surgery is a specialized surgery that is performed with the help of endoscopic equipment. The endoscopes are tiny cameras that assist your surgeon in visualization throughout the entire procedure. Let’s take an in-depth look at how the surgery is performed so that we can fill in any unknowns for you. The surgeon performing your Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery will make several incisions about two centimeters behind the hairline. These incisions will be about three to four centimeters in length. An endoscope is then placed through the incisions so that the surgeon has visual access to the muscles and tissues of the forehead. Next, the surgeon performing your eyelid surgery Los Angeles will use a bone tunnel to lift the forehead skin. They will remove excess fat and tissue from the forehead region. If your surgeon deems it necessary, they will realign the muscles and eyebrows to a more visually appealing level. How Much Does It Cost? Surgery to lower eyelid wrinkle reduction Los Angeles costs, on average, $5,000. The exact price of your surgery will be highly dependent on many factors. These include your geographical location, skills of your surgeon, amount of work performed, and so forth. Most insurance companies will not cover this type of surgery as it’s considered cosmetic and not medically necessary. Endoscopic brow lifts are considered permanent. This Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery typically requires patients to rest for one full week after the procedure. Except there to be minimal bruising and scars post-procedure. You may need to ice the incisions to reduce unnecessary swelling. Who Is A Good Candidate For This Procedure? Eyelid surgery Los Angeles is most usually performed on patients ranging from the age of 40 to 70. With this type of cosmetic procedure, the patient should be in good health and have realistic expectations of the possible outcome of the surgery. Those wanting to undergo lower eyelid wrinkle reduction Los Angeles are typically people who have premature aging signs and drooping eyebrows. Each surgeon will have their own standards of who the ideal candidate is for an eyelid lift Los Angeles. It’s best to contact a qualified cosmetic surgeon in your area to discuss whether or not you fit their standards as an ideal patient to undergo this type of cosmetic surgery. Expect to undergo an interview with the surgeon where they will do a physical examination and take a full medical history. This will add to their decision regarding your candidacy for this type of cosmetic procedure.


Chin Augmentation FAQs

Understanding Chin Augmentation Chin augmentation is quickly becoming one of the most popular kinds of Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgeries. One reason for this is the advent of the so-called Zoom chin. As people have been spending more time on video conferencing calls, they’ve also become more aware of the way their faces look to others. Los Angeles chin augmentation is a popular way to combat signs of aging like the formation of jowls. It’s also a wonderful tool for eliminating double chins. There are several different types of chin augmentation. Traditionally, when people think about changing the shape of the chin, they visualize mentoplasty Los Angeles or genioplasty Los Angeles. Mentoplasty and genioplasty are surgeries that change the jawline either by adding an implant or shaving down the bone. Patients interested in genioplasty or mentoplasty Los Angeles should look for a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in facial surgeries. Chin surgery is a safe procedure, but as with all surgeries there is some risk of complications. These can include internal bleeding, infection and side effects from anesthesia. Another surgical option for people who want to change the look of their chin is a facelift and neck lift. This is different from genioplasty Los Angeles in a few important ways. A combined facelift neck lift procedure will tighten the skin, remove jowls and leave the patient looking like a more refreshed version of themselves. These are major surgeries, where two flaps of skin are pulled up and back. A combination facelift and neck lift will improve the look of the area where the jaw and neck meet. Results from these procedures can last up to a decade. Recovery from these surgeries takes several weeks, with stitches removed at about the 10-day point. While recuperating, patients usually wear an elastic strap around the head to compress the chin area. Candidates for facelifts and neck lifts need to be in good general health. A newer way to treat double chins or jowls is with injectables. These require almost no recovery time. Kybella is an innovative injectable that can reduce the appearance of fat deposits in the chin area. Kybella is made from a natural substance that destroys fat cells. Once the cells are gone, they can never come back. Kybella helps people to achieve the chin and jawline they’ve always wanted. It can be a great fit for patients who feel they don’t want to go under the knife. Each treatment takes only 15-20 minutes. Kybella sessions will include multiple injections. Some patients may require up to six sessions, spaced one month apart, to achieve their desired results. There can be side effects from Kybella injections. They can include nerve injury, hair loss and trouble swallowing. There are more options for chin augmentation than ever before. Los Angeles chin augmentation has never been more accessible. Dr. Aynehchi of Westside Face is one of the most experienced Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery specialists. He has a long track record of delivering great results for thousands of patients.

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