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Marc Jacobs Posts a Post-Facelift Selfie

If you feel insecure about your aging face and you can afford surgery to tighten your sagging skin, why not? That’s what fashion designer Marc Jacobs did and encourages others to do. As he reached the age of 58, Jacobs noticed that his once smooth and bouncy skin had lost its elasticity. Gravity naturally pulls on the skin, and this along with the collagen loss that comes naturally with age is what contributes to saggy and crepey skin. Jacobs falls into the ideal age range to get facial lift surgery in Los Angeles, which is between 50 and 60 years of age. While this procedure is on the expensive and invasive side, it’s one whose patients see dramatic and long-lasting results. A surgeon doing a facelift procedure essentially tightens your sagging skin by cutting around your forehead or your ears and pulling the skin together, making sure it’s still falling in a natural way. Then, excess skin is cut away and the incision is sewn shut. Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery has experienced a surge in popularity amid the coronavirus pandemic and the increase in work-from-home jobs. As people are seeing more of themselves in Zoom meetings, they’ve had more time to ruminate over their insecurities. This has caused them to visit plastic surgery offices like Westside Face. While many feel the need to hide their surgery from the world, using excuses to work from home or to not go out with friends. However, Mark Jacobs showed a post-op selfie to his 1.6 million Instagram followers complete with facial bandages and tubes for draining excess fluid. Jacobs has also chronicled his recovery experience in multiple posts on the Instagram app, which is helpful for those who may not understand what all cosmetic surgery entails. As more celebrities open up about how they stay young, the concept of undergoing plastic surgery to reverse the aging process is becoming more normalized. The societal attitude around plastic surgery still has a ways to go, but Jacobs is showing a step in the right direction.


Is Fat Grafting Better Than Injectable Fillers?

As the face hollows and begins to sag with age, many Angelenos find themselves yearning for the plump, firm skin of their youth. The aging process happens when the body’s collagen production decreases, something that diminishes each year starting at age 25. While there’s no way to stop your body from aging, you can circumvent the signs of aging by seeing a Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery specialist. One of our doctors can put together a cosmetic recommendation depending on your age and the extent of your sagging skin. If you are in your 50s, they may suggest a face lift to tighten the crepey skin of your face, but they may also suggest a less invasive procedure, such as fillers. Fillers can be made from bio-safe substances, but they can also be made from your own fat material. Something patients ask our surgeons is: Which is better? Fat grafting or dermal fillers? Both of these options can be injected into the face to fill out dips and wrinkles and smooth the skin. Fillers can contour your face and turn back the clock. Two factors must be examined before you choose which kind of filler to go with. One important detail about getting fillers is that negative reactions can happen. Dermal fillers are composed of a hyaluronic acid based gel formula and while the brands like Restylane, Botox, and Juvederm are hypoallergenic, they can still have side effects. Since facial fat fillers are from your own body, the chance of a negative side effect is far lower. Another important consideration is how long you want your results to last. Any kind of liquid injection is going to be slowly broken down by your body. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, since they are a foreign substance, are going to be broken down faster by your body than fat fillers. Dermal fillers can be broken down as quickly as six months after the procedure, while fat transfer fillers can last years. Generally, those wanting smoother, rejuvenated skin are going to have a better experience with fat fillers for the face in Los Angeles. When you meet with our doctor, we can harvest fat from another part of your body to inject into your wrinkles. Contact us today for younger-looking skin!  


4 Tips to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

The majority of women will experience stretch marks as their belly grows to accommodate their growing fetus. Stretch marks occur when the skin’s elasticity cannot keep up with the growth of the body. These jagged marks are usually red, purple, or white, and they show up on the stomach, thighs, chest, and shoulder areas. Stretch marks often go away with time or fade into a white-ish hue that is less noticeable. They’re mainly attributed to family history, but there are a few lifestyle changes that you can make to avoid these marks. A facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles details some of the ways you can keep your skin looking fresh and young in these 9 months of growing. Take Your Vitamins Getting your daily recommendation of vitamins is important for both you and your child’s health. On top of that, stretch marks can pop up if you were missing out on certain essential nutrients. Vitamin C, E, D, and Zinc can help prevent stretch marks from forming. Taking a handful of pills each day isn’t desirable, and a prenatal vitamin should have all your essential vitamins in one single pill. Protein is essential to building the body, and it can also minimize stretch marks. It’s important to have meat or a protein-filled substitute like cheese or tofu in each of your meals while pregnant. Drink Water Staying hydrated is extremely important, as dehydration can cause dizziness and nausea. Water will also help your skin maintain elasticity as it goes through the stretch of your life. On top of that, pregnant mothers can get UTIs more easily, and drinking water and using the bathroom frequently will help keep this from happening. Enjoy the Sun Spending time in the sun can help your stretch marks heal. However, make sure to use SPF, as overexposure to the sun can make your scars and dark spots stick around much longer. Treat Stretch Marks Your stomach is going to grow immensely in 9 months, and you shouldn’t expect not to see a few stretch marks. Luckily, there are a variety of treatments out there. Creams, lotions, Vitamin E oil, shea butter, and Vasaline can keep your skin healthy and increase the healing timeline. Rub lotion on these stretch marks multiple times a day, and if you aren’t happy with these results, then you can undergo laser stretch mark reduction in Los Angeles. Laser skin resurfacing can reduce stretch marks by removing the top layer of skin and revealing the unmarred layer beneath. They also are known for boosting collagen levels. If you recently gave birth and want to under laser surgery to reduce stretch marks, contact our cosmetic surgery office.  


Iggy Azalea Encourages Plastic Surgery Positivity

While facial reconstruction surgery in Los Angeles is quite a common procedure these days, many of our patients wish to remain anonymous because they think their peers will judge them if they find out they went under the knife. While it shouldn’t be seen as any different from dying one’s hair or getting a tattoo, many feel the need to hide the fact that they’ve had work done. This certainly isn’t helped by celebrities like the Kardashians who repeatedly deny that they’ve had work done despite obvious discrepancies in their appearances. One celebrity who has been very candid about her cosmetic procedures is rapper Iggy Azalea, whose appearance has shifted over the years. The Australian rapper found fame in 2014 when her song “Fancy” became a viral sensation, partially due to the Clueless themed music video. In this music video, the singer has a flat chest and wider septum, both of which she got changed since she had more than enough money to pay for the surgery. “I did change something: Four months ago, I got bigger boobs! I’d thought about it my entire life,” Azalea said in an interview. She added that her smaller chest made her wardrobe department pad her stage costumes and that she wanted to actually have the bigger chest she was trying to emulate. Like many people, Azalea did not want to be open about her surgery. “But then, I decided I wasn’t into secret-keeping,” she said as she explained why she wanted to be honest with her fans. Also in 2015, she told Seventeen Magazine that she underwent rhinoplasty to give herself a slimmer nose. “I’m not denying it. Denying it is lame,” she said. “I don’t think you should be ashamed if you made a change to yourself, which is why I’ve spoken about the changes I’ve made.” Plastic surgery shaming is a deterrent for many, but these same people tell us how overjoyed they are with their new looks and how they wish they had done it sooner. Azalea seems to be in the same boat about her breast implants. Our Los Angeles facial plastic surgery office has a track record of five-star reviews because we work closely with our patients throughout the surgical process. All of our patients come in for an initial consultation where we have an open discussion about their physical insecurities and how we can realistically help them. Then, we work with them to pick a procedure and end goal for their appearance. Schedule your consultation today!


Why Do I Have a Double Chin if I’m Skinny?

A double chin is the gathering of fat on the lower jawline, and it’s often a reason people visit our Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery clinic. This trait is normally associated with obesity, but some patients come in wondering why they have a double chin if they are not overweight. A sleek jawline can make someone appear and feel more attractive, and this can be achieved in a number of ways through surgery. If you are skinny but have a double chin, the reason can lie in your jawline. Someone with a small lower mandible may have loose skin in that area, and this can appear as a double chin. Those with small chins often choose to undergo genioplasty so that they can have additional mass in that area, giving them a sharper and stronger chin. Getting a chin implant should be able to solve this problem. If you have an overbite, it may appear as if you have a double chin or receding chin. An overbite can also be solved through visiting an orthodontist, who will fit you with braces and rubber bands to pull your lower mandible forward. It’s also possible that your body is retaining water, and this attributes to excess puffiness in your face. Water retention is due to your diet, and eating healthy foods and drinking lots of water can help you slim down. Face puffiness is caused by a few factors, especially; Excess Sugar Excess Salt Preservatives A lower jawline with excess fat can often be fixed through neck lipo procedure in Los Angeles. This is a minor procedure and is done through one or two small incisions that are placed in a covert location. The plastic surgeon will then insert a tube to suck out excess fat. A skilled surgeon from Westside Face can sculpt at the same time, creating a natural-looking contour. Visit our plastic surgery office to learn why you have a double chin and how it can be fixed. Our surgeons will give you a variety of options so that you can pick the one you are most comfortable with.


How to Minimize Tearing After a Facelift

A facelift is an invasive surgery, and your post-op care is very important. It’s normal to experience swelling and pain following your procedure, and post-op care can make a huge difference in your pain levels. When you are emitted from your facial lift surgery in Los Angeles, you will be fitted with a tightly wrapped dressing that will not be removed until your follow-up appointment 24 hours later. You will be heavily sedated following your surgery, and you should have a trusted adult drive you home and stay with you. Tearing can occur during the recovery process since your sutures and incisions have not fully healed. Pesky gravity will naturally pull on your skin, and this can put the sutures around your forehead, temples, and ears at risk of tearing. In order to minimize tearing, you need to keep this dressing around your face until your follow-up. At your follow-up visit, your facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles will assess your healing process and remove your gauze. Your doctor will also warn you that your pain experience will come to a head in the next two days or so, and you can circumvent this by taking your prescribed pain medication before you start feeling bad. It’s also important to sleep propped up on a few pillows on your back. Sleeping on your side or on your stomach can cause irritation to your healing face. It’s also possible that the angle and pressure of your face on the pillow results in the tearing of your sutures. While you may start feeling energetic as early as a week after your surgery, you should not resume your normal workout schedule. Overexerting yourself after surgery may result in excessive bleeding or swelling. At the end of your second week of recovery, you can resume light activities like walking. It’s still recommended that you avoid sweating or straining yourself during exercise. You should avoid intense cardio like cycling classes or HIIT until your surgical site has healed further. In total, our plastic surgeons recommend taking it easy to avoid tearing during your post-operative period. Most of all, you should: Not remove your gauze on your own Sleep on your back and propped up at an angle Avoid strenuous activities


Rhinoplasty in the Age of COVID-19

Since Los Angeles reinstated their mask-wearing rules, many people are wondering if now is the right time to have some work done. A mask will obscure your healing nose job from prying eyes, giving you the opportunity to run errands and even head into work without anyone knowing that you underwent rhinoplasty surgery in Los Angeles. If you’ve been wanting to straighten your crooked septum, flatten your large dorsal hump, or upturn your droopy tip, now may be the time. Patients often tell us that they’ve waited to get a nose job because they are worried about what their peers may think. The pandemic has changed that. Our Los Angeles facial plastic surgery office has seen an influx of patients who were apprehensive about maintaining their active work and social lives while their nose jobs heal. It’s completely normal to experience swelling and purplish bruising after a nose job, especially around the nose and under the eyes. On July 15, Los Angeles county mandates that everyone two years of age and older must wear a mask in all indoor public settings, gatherings, and public and private businesses, even if they are vaccinated. This mask mandate is a great excuse to cover your healing nose. Wearing a mask that covers your nose will help conceal the majority of nasal bruising and swelling that won’t go away until at least two weeks following the procedure. On top of that, the rate of rising COVID infections has caused many people to continue staying home, providing you with the perfect excuse not to go out if you feel too sheepish. Many workplaces are still working from home or at least requiring their employees to wear masks, making it easier to keep your cover. If you’re thinking about getting a nose job, now may be the perfect time! This procedure is life-lasting, so once you undergo it once, you likely don’t have to do it again. Our rhinoplasty patients are overjoyed with their results and wonder why they didn’t do it sooner. Don’t let yourself be insecure; rhinoplasty may change your feelings about yourself inside and out. Contact us to set up a consultation to learn about how we can change your nose.


Will Septoplasty Help Your Nose Function Better?

If you don’t know what a deviated septum is, it’s when the piece of cartilage separating your nostrils is off-center, blocking one of your airways. Many people with a deviated septum are confined to breathing out their mouth, which can make exercising and sleeping difficult. Those who have trouble breathing through their nose often choose to get surgery for it to improve their life. Surgery for a deviated septum is called septoplasty, and it’s done by either an ENT specialist or a facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. Luckily, our office employs both! The purpose of septoplasty is to help your nose breathe better, and because it’s a purely functional procedure, it’s often covered by insurance. Since a doctor will also be operating on your nose, you may ask them to make cosmetic changes, as well. Cosmetic adjustments during a septoplasty procedure actually turn it into a septorhinoplasty procedure. This may or may not be covered by your insurance. It’s possible your health insurance will cover the functionality part of the procedure, leaving you to pay out of pocket for the additional fee for reshaping your nose’s appearance. A Los Angeles septorhinoplasty procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia and involves trimming, repositioning, and even replacing cartilage or bone. The procedure often works via incisions through the inside of the nose, leaving no visible scarring. Sometimes, the doctor will need to make a small incision between the nostrils. Depending on how your septum is deviated, the doctor may need to cut off parts of your septum to reposition the smaller bones. Sometimes you will need a spreader graft to truly reinforce the straightening of your septum bones and cartilage even after your surgery. Rest assured, you will emerge from your deviated septum surgery with clearer airways, even if they aren’t noticeable right away. You may not notice any significant changes until three to six months after surgery. The recovery process is long, and you will have to wear gauze in your nostrils and continue breathing through your mouth. Especially with cosmetic changes, you may not fully see your new nose until a whole year after the surgery. If your deviated septum causes your nasal difficulties, you should notice an improvement in the months after your surgery. Unfortunately, the nasal bones and cartilage can naturally shift after your surgery. It’s not uncommon for people to return to their surgeon’s office for another procedure several years later. Our doctors do everything we can to ensure that you are happy with your results. With a perfect 5-star rating on Real Self, our patients report high satisfaction from our surgeries. When it comes to something like your nose, you deserve the best doctor around, and you can find that at Westside Face.          


How to Get Dramatic Results With a Mini Facelift

Many people are seeking to pump up their appearance so that they appear younger. The body’s natural aging process causes the skin to lose its elasticity and sag. To be frank, this part of the aging is going to cost several thousand dollars to reverse. The good news is that you don’t have to undergo a full-on facelift; instead you can opt for a mini face lift in Los Angeles. The best candidates for a mini facelift are those who are in their 40’s and 50’s who have jowls and sagging skin around the jawline that they’d like to correct. If you’re seeking to contour your face, this is the procedure for you. A mini facelift requires fewer incisions than a traditional facelift, so it’s less invasive and risky. However, it’s still considered an invasive procedure. Your facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles can improve the appearance of your sagging skin by making small incisions along your hairline near your temples and around the backs of your ears. They then “lift” your skin upwards to tighten its crepey appearance. Your surgeon will have to cut away some of your excess skin during this process, and they will then sew it back, securing the now-tighter lower half of your face. It’s important to understand that a mini facelift, or even a facelift, will not solve every sign of aging on your face. A good facelift does not involve pulling your skin so tight that your skin has no wrinkles and does not show emotions. The best mini facelift you will get is one that minimizing the appearance of your jowls and/or double chin. Our doctors specialize in making small yet impactful changes so that your appearance is more youthful but you still look like yourself. Contouring your lower jawline can completely increase your self-esteem, so a mini facelift that defines your chin and neckline can be the procedure that you need to gain confidence in yourself. When you make an appointment at Westside Face, we will go over your aesthetic goals to pick a procedure that makes you as happy as possible.    


Celebrities Who Have Acne

You may have thought that your teenage skin issues would go away once you reached adulthood, but adult acne is very common. Acne is such a common skin issue that even celebrities who can invest thousands of dollars into their appearance deal with it! Acne can be difficult and expensive to treat, and many choose to visit dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons for laser treatments, microdermabrasion, and facial fillers in Los Angeles to minimize the appearance of their pimples and the dark spots and scars they leave behind. Even if you’re a millionaire, this problem can persist. As you see below, some celebrities choose to be open about their skin struggles to minimize the stigma. Kendall Jenner Model and reality TV star Kendall Jenner is known for her beautiful face and thin body, but she also deals with cystic acne. She even walked the 2018 Golden Globes red carpet during a breakout, showing that you can’t let your insecurities stop you from living life. “Never let that s— stop you!” Jenner wrote on a social media post. She has since been an ambassador for Proactiv. Taylor Hill Kendall Jenner isn’t the only model without perfect skin. Victoria’s Secret and Ralph Lauren model Taylor Hill also suffers from blemishes. She posted a bare-faced selfie to her Instagram page where you can clearly see acne on her skin. She didn’t acknowledge her acne, instead choosing to treat this common skin condition like it’s a normal part of life, which it is! Adwoa Aboah Model and activist Adwoa Aboah has fought to normalize talking about insecurities and mental health, and she’s exemplifying it on her Instagram by opening up about her acne struggles. She originally intended not to post the photos, but ended up deciding to. She said, “only ever meant for my eyes in order to obsessively scrutinize over my up and down battle with my skin. Some days it was acne, some days it wasn’t too bad, then mass breakouts followed by clear as day skin. It was exhausting never knowing what your skin was going to look like from one day to another, it was even more exhausting caring so much, about what work thought or if people noticed.” Adwoa continued, revealing her reason for sharing the photos now. “This month as much as I can I will be posting those photos, not because my skin is the worst you’ve ever seen but because it feels time to let that sh*t go, time to join force with a community who bare their pimples for the world to see.” Justin Bieber Society seems to see acne as more of a female issue, but men can have it, too. Justin Bieber recently posted a selfie to his Instagram story where he pointed out his acne on his forehead. Acne is completely normal, but if you want to try to visit a facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles to minimize its appearance. Contact our office if you want to start getting more comfortable with your face’s appearance.  

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