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Who is a Good Candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?

Who is a Good Candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty? Sinusitis, an inflammation of a nasal sinus, can often be a difficult infection to treat. Medications for sinusitis can help most people, but what do you do if it isn’t helping? Balloon sinuplasty is an advanced procedure that helps treat chronic cases of sinusitis. This procedure, also known as angioplasty for the nose, is done by using a small and flexible balloon catheter that will allow built up mucus to be drained after the catheter has opened up the blocked sinus passageways. Balloon sinuplasty is a very safe and effective procedure that causes little pain, less blood loss, minimal swelling and bruising, and has a lower risk of infection. Having a balloon sinuplasty procedure Santa Monica will require less recovery time compared to other common sinus surgeries. The following factors will determine if you are a candidate for balloon sinuplasty (sinusitis treatment Santa Monica): • If the medications you have tried didn’t work. • If you have trouble breathing through your nose. • If you are having nasal issues that won’t go away. • If you constantly have a bad taste in your mouth or bad breath. • If you have chronic headaches right around your eyes. Advantages of Balloon Sinuplasty: • The procedure doesn’t require any cutting or stitches, which means less pain, swelling, bruising, bleeding, risk of infection, and recovery time. • Since no tissue or bone is being removed, there will be less bleeding. • Recovery won’t require as much time as traditional surgeries because it is a less invasive procedure. Still unsure about whether or not balloon sinuplasty is the right option for you? Here are a few more facts about this procedure: • Over 535,000 individuals all across the world have had balloon sinuplasty. • A study that consisted of 1,036 patients from different clinics concluded that 95% of them had a significant improvement with their symptoms. • Most patients are able to go back to their typical day-to-day activities within just two days. • Balloon sinuplasty may be covered by insurance. • Common symptoms of sinusitis include a blocked or stuffy nose and pain or pressure around the eyes. • Typically patients undergo general anesthesia, but sometimes patients undergo local anesthesia as well. Your doctor will go over all of your options with you to help you decide what is best for you. If you want to know more about Santa Monica plastic surgery or are thinking about having the balloon sinuplasty procedure, feel free to contact us today!


Tips for Preparing for Laser Hair Removal

Tips for Preparing for Laser Hair Removal Laser hair removal Santa Monica is an excellent alternative to time-consuming shaving or painful waxing. Not only does it result in permanent hair removal, but it can also leave your skin soft and smooth. If this is something you’ve decided to invest in to save time and money, then it’s important to know how to prepare. The tips below can help you get started so you’re ready when you arrive for your first appointment. Only shave before your appointment Plucking and waxing your hair is not recommended during the laser hair removal process because both can interfere with the growth of the hair follicle. This can make it difficult to effectively remove the hair and leave you with uneven patches as you continue to have treatments done. You may be asked to shave with a clean and new razor the day before you come in. Stay Away From the Sun Just like individuals who have laser skin resurfacing Santa Monica, you should stay away from the sun to prevent uneven tanning. A good rule of thumb is to allow your tan to fade completely by your first appointment, or avoid the sun for 6 weeks total. Take a Shower Cleansing the skin is an important part of successful laser hair removal treatments. There should be no lotion, cream, deodorant, or cosmetic makeup left on the skin before you go in for your appointment. Avoid Irritating the Skin Individuals who have had a laser facelift in Santa Monica know to avoid irritating their skin before treatment. The same goes for laser hair removal, as similar tools are being used to remove hair from the skin. To ensure your skin is in good shape, avoid using any harsh cleansers that can cause irritation, including those with benzoyl peroxide or alpha-hydroxy acid. Dress Comfortably It’s important to be comfortable when you’re going in for your first treatment, so it’s recommended to wear loose-fitting clothing. As an added benefit, this will reduce the irritation that tight-fitting clothing can cause once the appointment is over. Loose clothing will also be less likely wipe off any topical lotions you might receive once your treatment is over. Ready for Your New Skin Soft and smooth skin is possible with laser hair removal treatment. While this may not be as complex as Santa Monica plastic surgery, it’s still important to prepare. With the tips above, you’ll be able to come into our office ready to give your skin a new look and feel.


Reducing Swelling After Facial Injectables

  Reducing Swelling After Facial Injectables We all want to maintain a radiant, ageless appearance, and facial injectables are the quickest and most popular aesthetic treatments available. These include wrinkle relaxers like the Santa Monica Botox face lift and dermal fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm and others that create a liquid face lift for superb facial sculpting. The treatment session only requires a few minutes for administering cheek fillers to lift face in Santa Monica. The injections can also create a youthful under eye area and there is no anesthesia. The only minor issue may include some swelling and/or redness at the injection site. This is temporary and will subside in a few hours to one day depending on the filler type chosen. For example, the most popular filler injectable is one containing HA or hyaluronic acid. The substance is considered a moisture magnet for water and naturally provides hydration to the skin for suppleness. HA facial injectables can take longer to go down because of the water factor. Other than that, facial injectables are in demand worldwide for their speed, safety and effectiveness. You see instant results right there in-office. These gel-like fillers create smooth facial contours for restored lift and volume. The temporary aesthetic treatment is quite convenient, and you can return to your normal daily schedule after receiving the injections, which is a great perk about non surgical dermal fillers Santa Monica or Botox. Santa Monica plastic surgery guidelines recommend using natural methods to reduce any swelling from wrinkle relaxers and/or dermal fillers: Apply ice to the treatment areas Keep your head elevated Arnica montana and bromelain are effective herbal supplements to consider Stay hydrated by drinking water and/or juices Eat fresh fruits and vegetables Taking antihistamine pills is another option To help minimize any post-treatment swelling, Santa Monica plastic surgery experts recommend avoiding the following: Smoking and smoke exposure Aspirin, Ibuprofen and other blood thinners Herbal teas and supplements Fast foods Spicy foods Too much salt Swelling is a small issue after non surgical dermal fillers Santa Monica. Get plenty of rest, don’t over-exercise right away, and don’t be afraid to ask your aesthetic injector for advice.

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