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Facelift Procedure Steps

We offer face lifts in Santa Monica are one of the easiest cosmetic surgeries that you can get. However, you still may be nervous about the procedure. So, to put your mind at ease, here is a small breakdown of what you will experience on the day of your surgery: 1. Administering Anesthesia Numbing medications will be administered for your comfort during the operation. You also may have to go under general anesthesia. This will be the doctor’s decision. General anesthesia will be administered intravenously. 2. Making the Incision The type of incision that is made depends on how much change is required. You may only want a limited incision facelift or neck lift, or you may be receiving the full traditional face lift. The incisions for a traditional face lift begin in the hairline at the temples. They then continue around the ear all the way to the lower scalp. Then, depending on your Santa Monica facial cosmetic surgery needs, your fat may be redistributed from your face, neck, and jowls. Next, the deeper layers of your face, as well as the muscles, are lifted up and the underlying tissue is repositioned. The skin is then pulled over the uplifted tissue and any excess skin is cut away. 3. Closing the Incisions Skin adhesives or sutures close the incisions. The sutures may need to be removed after a week or two, or they may be the type to dissolve into the skin. The adhesive, or skin glue, aids in healing. Once these incisions heal, the scars from the procedure will be hidden well into the hairline, as well as within the usual contours of the ears and the face. 4. Other Procedures that Enhance Results There are many other procedures that work with face lifts to enhance results. For example, there are fat transfers that can improve the contour of your face. If you do not have natural fat to transfer, there are also facial implants to consider. There are also resurfacing techniques using lasers that will improve the texture of your skin as well as its tone. These are typically non-invasive in nature. The most common, however, would have to be a neck lift. The necklift helps to remove loose neck skin, fat under the chin, and jowls. During a neck lift Santa Monica patients will have a second incision made under the chin, which wraps around the ears, and doubles back to the hairline behind each ear. Like the typical face lift, sutures and/or skin glue is used to close the incision. In conclusion, a face lift is a simple process. While you may have some bruising and swelling, the final result will restore and refresh your face. You can count on the youthful glow that you have enjoyed for many years to once again shine its light. More importantly, you will feel confident and beautiful. If you are considering face lift surgery in Santa Monica, call us at West Side Face. Our helpful staff will assist you with all your needs and answer all your questions. Give us a call today.


Can You Fix a Broken Nose After It’s Healed?

A sudden blow or impact is usually what causes a person’s nose to break. As soon as the cartilage of the nose is damaged, this means the nose is broken. Falling, walking into a wall, vehicle accidents, and getting hit or punched in the nose are all possible causes of a broken nose. Many people experience severe symptoms but depending on the severity of the broken nose, it may or may not be correctable. You can choose to visit our Santa Monica broken nose repair facility. They may be able to assist if you reside in the area. Broken noses usually heal without any further issues. Reconstructive nose surgery is an option for those who may be unhappy with the way their nose has healed after damage. This is where our corrective nose surgery Santa Monica comes in handy. This is especially useful for those people who are experiencing trouble with breathing after a healing of their broken nose. Facial plastic surgery Santa Monica can be another option for people looking to fix their broken nose. Our great doctors in the Santa Monica area are highly dependable. Usually medications and home treatments are recommended by a doctor when a person first breaks their nose. This depends on severity. Other times, it may require hospitalization. Rhinoplasty procedure Santa Monica is another alternative to plastic surgery and a great way to fix a healed nose. Santa Monica plastic surgery has many surgeons to assist patients in need of healing their nose. Some people may not even need surgery because their nose may heal just fine after other corrective measures have been taken. It’s possible to correct a healed broken nose. You will need to consider plastic surgery, or some other type of facial rhinoplasty. These are options for those that are not happy with the way their noses have healed after it becomes broken.


Deviated Septum

Occasionally, breathing problems could be precipitated by nasal deformities. Once such an issue is known as a deviated septum. Westside Face, a facial plastic surgery center which performs Santa Monica nasal airway obstruction surgery invites residents of Southern California to read the following blog about this medical condition. Deviated Septum Overview The nasal septum is a thin partition that separates two sides of nasal passages. Occasionally, this barrier shifts to one side or another, known in medical terms as deviation. As said deviation grows more pronounced, a stricken individual’s nasal passages may become blocked. Causes The condition can either be congenital, meaning the afflicted subject’s septum did not properly form during fetal development or occurred as the result of some type of nasal passageway-damaging ailment or trauma such as a broken nose. Physical Manifestations In its earliest stages or in uncomplicated cases, a deviated septum might not elicit any symptoms. However, as the malady worsens, impacted individuals might experience manifestations such as difficulty breathing, nosebleeds, facial discomfort, snoring or noisy sleeping habits. Moreover, maladies like colds or other upper respiratory issues could exacerbate existing symptoms. Potential Complications If left untreated, a deviated septum could precipitate untoward issues like insomnia, dry mouth, chronic facial pain and pressure and possibly the complete inability to breathe through one’s nose. Possible Treatment Options In mild cases, remediation efforts could include the use of decongestants, which unclog breathing passages, nasal sprays that help promote clear airways and might contain disinfectant substances and nasal-symptom preventing antihistamines. Nasal Obstruction Surgery Santa Monica When serious deviations occur or produce more severe symptoms, surgical intervention s performed by Westside Face, might be indicated to yield blocked nasal airway relief. Several procedures might provide alleviation including: Septoplasty During this procedure, the stricken subject’s septum is straightened to a normal position. In instances where severe damages is present, the surgeon may need to cut away and then reattach or replace injured or diseased tissue. Rhinoplasty Also known simply as a nose job, rhinoplasty involves the surgical reshaping or resurfacing of the nose’s skin, bones and cartilage. Said procedure is often performed to improve the aesthetic appearance of a patient’s nose but can be employed to correct medical issues such as a deviated septum. Surgical effectiveness will depend upon certain factors such as the condition’s severity and if the recipient has any other potentially complicating problems like the presence of chronic upper respiratory ailments. Contacting Westside Face Southern California residents who have been diagnosed with a deviated septum or believe they might be afflicted with said ailment are encouraged to contact us. The proprietor, Dr. Behrad Aynehchi has a wealth of experience performing facial plastic surgery Santa Monica and holds double board certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. For further information, please visit https://www.westsideface.com/.


Best Laser Treatments for Dark Skin Tones

Laser treatments use radiation wavelengths to manage some conditions. It is one of the most effective ways of treating spots, acne, and other skin conditions that affect our skin. Earlier on, the laser treatment method was exclusively used to treat light skins as it had severe effects when used to treat dark skins. With the advancement in technology, skins with dark tones can now be treated using laser methods. Here are some of the lasers used to treat dark skin tones. The Vbeam Laser Every human being has a vasculature that, at times, can dilate and create some redness on the skin. The condition is known as rosacea, and even black patient’s b can have this condition. Vbeam laser is the most effective tool that, for a long time, has been used to manage rosacea as well as spider veins. The laser can now be used on dark skin tones, and to minimize its effects on the patient’s skin, the doctor should understand how to dial down the temperature and speed. The laser is also used for blacks during a Santa Monica facial cosmetic surgery. The Pico Laser This laser is the best option for sun spot removal Santa Monica as well as birthmarks and scars. Earlier on, it was recommended for black skins because as it used to cause scarring on the surfaces. This is because the laser was producing faster and exponential pulses, and it was generating less heat. Some technological advancement has made it possible to treat dark skins with minimal risks of damaging the pigment. Dark spot removal Santa Monica involves the usage of the Pico Laser and so as laser scar reduction Santa Monica. Palomar 1540-nanometer fractional laser This type of laser can create light columns that can penetrate a millimeter deep in the skin. It is, therefore, the most suitable laser for treating stretch marks. The laser helps in diffusing the stretch marks making the body surface look sooth. Laser skin resurfacing Santa Monica uses the Palomar laser to treat stretch marks present on dark complexions. When using the laser on dark skins, dermatologists reduce the speeds and temperatures to avoid injuring the skin. Cutera Excel HR 1064 Laser hair removal Santa Monica is a process that involves the use of Cutera Excell laser and other lasers such as sciton Joule and 1064-nanometer, especially on dark skins. The mentioned lasers are the safest to use as they do not tamper with the melanin of the client.


Botox vs. Fillers

  Most of us have heard of Botox and dermal fillers, but do you know the difference? Both are used for aesthetic enhancement but are very unique in how they perform. What Botox and fillers do share is that they’re both injectables and can deliver amazing, natural-looking results for the face and/or neck. You can use them alone or in a combination for cosmetic appeal. Botox Botox has become a household word in most corners of the globe. The injectable remains the number one aesthetic treatment for women and men. It’s safe, simple and doesn’t require surgery or downtime. Best of all, Botox lets you “look like you with fewer wrinkles” as the TV commercials say. Botox and its cousin Dysport are the ultimate wrinkle relaxers in Santa Monica. These temporary cosmetic treatments are long-lasting and designed to soften your frown lines and wrinkles. Botox or Dysport for wrinkles performs by blocking signals from the facial nerves to the muscles. This powerful anti-aging serum is injected into the muscles to halt them from contracting, thereby relaxing your lines. A Santa Monica Botox face lift can produce a significant transformation that appears youthful and natural. The serum can be injected into the eleven lines between the eyebrows, the horizontal forehead lines, around the crow’s feet, the “cobblestones” or dimples in the chin, the “bunny lines”” at the bridge of the nose and the vertical neck bands. The results are smooth skin and a rested appearance, and the effects last anywhere from four to six months. Fillers Dermal fillers are another incredible and temporary aesthetic treatment that is safe, quick and simple. There are several different types that fall under the filler umbrella. These anti-aging serums are injected beneath the surface of the skin to add volume, lift and fullness. Again, injectables are unique in that no anesthesia, surgery or downtime is necessary. Filler is designed to add instant youthfulness to your facial contours in a natural, smooth way. Using cheek fillers to lift face in Santa Monica is one key area for facial rejuvenation that can create wonderful effects. Some dermal fillers can last for six months, and others can last for up to two years or longer. Non surgical dermal fillers Santa Monica are excellent at filling in the shallow areas of the face, for decreasing wrinkles under the eyes and adding fullness, plumping up lips and softening static wrinkles.


What to Expect from Blepharoplasty

Are you currently looking for a surgeon to perform a blepharoplasty on your behalf? This is the name for a surgical operation that is the number one recommended procedure to repair droopy eyelids. When you need Santa Monica brow surgery done right, contact us. We can also remove excess skin, muscle, and fat that is causing you problems. What Is A Blepharoplasty Procedure? A blepharoplasty procedure is usually quite short and painless. The surgery will normally be done as an outpatient procedure. The surgeon will first inject a numbing medication into your eyelids. They will then give you a special intravenous medication in order to help you relax. If you need work done on your upper and lower eyelids, your surgeon will usually start on your upper lids. They will cut along the natural fold of the eyelid. They will then removes excess skin, muscle, and fat. They will then close the incision. When working on your lower lid, the surgeon will make a second cut just below the lashes in the natural crease of your eye. They may prefer to make the cut inside your lower eyelid. They will then redistributes or remove any excess fat, muscle and sagging skin that they find. After doing so, they will close the incision. If they find that your upper eyelid is drooping too close to your pupil, they will do a special procedure called a ptosis. This is done to give support that will shore up the muscles in your eyebrows to keep them from drooping. Once your surgery for upper or lower eyelid wrinkles in Santa Monica is complete, you will be ushered into a special recovery room. You will normally be able to go home the same day. Contact Us for the Facial Plastic Surgery Santa Monica Relies On If you need to get the facial plastic surgery Santa Monica citizens rely on, no one does it better than Westside Face. No other provider of Santa Monica brow surgery has the skills, qualifications, and experience that we do. We can perform the eyelid surgery Santa Monica residents rely on to relieve their symptoms. When it comes to providing top notch surgical correction for lower eyelid wrinkles in Santa Monica, only an expert will do. Get in touch with us at Westside Face today to learn more about what we can do on your behalf.


What’s the Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septorhinoplasty

Types of Nose Jobs There are different types of nose jobs in Santa Monica, so you must determine what variety is best for your needs. A rhinoplasty procedure is primarily designed for changing the appearance of the outer parts of the nose so that it is smaller, larger or a different shape. In some cases, the changes made during a rhinoplasty are subtle, helping to improve your facial profile. Septum Repair However, there are procedures for the nose that are designed for repairing the septum that is located between the nostrils. You may need the best rhinoplasty Santa Monica surgeon to fix a deviated septum that is making it difficult to breathe. With a repair of the septum, you can have fewer problems from sinus congestion or snoring. Single or Combination Procedures Septorhinoplasty is performed alone to change the shape of the nose’s bones and cartilage, but it is also possible to combine the procedure with cosmetic rhinoplasty. When you schedule an appointment with a facial plastic surgery Santa Monica expert, you can have an examination with medical images before your consultation. Projecting Your Appearance A surgeon can use your photographs to project how your nose can look with either a rhinoplasty or septorhinoplasty. You can also see how you face would look with a combination procedure that changes your septum and the outer area of your nose. With these types of nose jobs in Santa Monica, the incisions are made inside the nose so that there is no scarring on the outer area of the nose. Understanding Your Recovery When you have surgery on your nose, you should understand the recovery time necessary after the procedure. You are anesthetized for facial plastic surgery Santa Monica procedures, but when you wake up, your face and nose is bandaged. There is deep bruising and swelling of the facial tissues for any type of plastic surgery on the nose. It will likely take several weeks for your face to heal completely, and during this time, you must follow a surgeon’s recommendations. Schedule an Appointment At Westside Face in Santa Monica, Calif., our surgeon can arrange a consultation with you to learn if you need repairs to the inner parts of the nose or if you would look better with changes to the outer parts of the nose. Contact our office today at 310-620-1368 to schedule a rhinoplasty surgery Santa Monica appointment.


What to Expect from a Neck Lift

What Happens During a Neck Lift Consultation? A neck lift can give you a more youthful appearance, but you will want to know what to expect from the procedure. If you are considering cosmetic surgery, a neck lift Santa Monica surgeon will collect your medical information first during a consultation. You should supply your medical history, including any information about allergies or health conditions, such as diabetes mellitus. A surgeon will order X-rays of your neck to determine if you have any underlying conditions. Types of Improvements to the Neck With a neck lift, our surgeon can reduce the appearance of saggy skin underneath the chin and along the neck, or it is possible to eliminate the wrinkles that can develop along the base of the neck. The consultation with our surgeon is the best time to discuss the types of repairs that you want to have to your neck. Anesthesia and Incisions During neck lift surgery in Santa Monica, you are anesthetized for the procedure at a medical facility. This procedure requires making tiny incisions in specific areas that are less noticeable after the wounds heal. A surgeon will lift the upper layer of skin to remove excess fat before adjusting the layer of skin to create a smoother-looking neck. The Recovery after Surgery With facial plastic surgery Santa Monica services, you will need to have a recovery time that will last for several weeks. You will likely return home the same day after neck lift surgery in Santa Monica, but you will need specialized care. The surgical site’s skin will swell, and you will have bruising that extends to your face and shoulders. Arranging Your Follow-up Appointments It is essential to rest after the procedure, and you will need to elevate your head while you are sleeping. Our surgeon will explain how to keep the stitched incisions clean to prevent an infection, but you should return to our office for the scheduled follow-up appointments. Throughout the healing process, you must wear supportive bandages on your neck to keep the repaired tissues in place. Contact Us Today At Westside Face in Santa Monica, Calif., our surgeon can evaluate your neck to help you learn more about a neck lift. In addition to having a neck lift, you can combine this procedure with other surgeries on the face. Contact our office today at 310-204-4111 to learn more about cosmetic procedures.


Recognizing a Broken Nose: Self-care, Treatment and Recovery

Signs of a Broken Nose If you receive a severe blow to the nose, then you may wonder if it is broken, and there are several ways to determine if this has occurred, including: Severe bleeding from the nose Nose has an odd shape Seeing bone or cartilage Bruising on the face or the nose Intense mucus discharge Pain in the nose or face Problems breathing When you suspect that your nose is broken, you must seek help from our corrective nose surgery Santa Monica medical facility. However, you must provide proper care for your nose before your same day Santa Monica broken nose repair by our knowledgeable surgeon. Self-care for the Nose If your nose is bleeding, then you should sit in a chair while leaning forward. Avoid touching the nose too much because it can make the situation worse. If you are having breathing difficulties, then you will need to breathe through your mouth until you arrive at our facial plastic surgery Santa Monica office for treatment. You can hold an ice pack against your nose and face to prevent additional swelling. Our surgeon believes that taking pain medication for a broken nose before surgery is a bad idea because it can interfere with the anesthesia, and in addition, some medications can thin the blood, leading to additional bleeding. Bring along your insurance card so that we can begin your treatment as quickly as possible. Treatment for a Broken Nose The rhinoplasty procedure Santa Monica patients require can vary, depending on the type of injury that has occurred to the nose. First, our surgeon will examine your nose and collect X-rays before injecting you with a painkiller or squirting a numbing spray into your nostrils. There are special instruments that we can insert into the nostrils to realign the bones, cartilage and soft tissues. You may need sutures to repair the tissues, or our surgeon can use a special glue to hold the tissues in place. The nose is stabilized with a plastic splint and bandages. The Recovery Process After the surgery at West Side Face, you can return home to rest and recover. We will provide prescriptions for medication, and you must use caution while washing your hair or bathing. You will likely develop a lot of bruising on the face, and your tissues will swell, so you must sleep while propping up your head with pillows.


Chronic Sinusitis and Nasal Polyps

  Are you currently suffering from chronic sinusitis or nasal polyps? Westside Face is the place to get the blocked nasal airway relief you need to regain your full quality of life. What Are the Most Common Alternatives to Surgery? Treatment for Santa Monica nasal airway obstruction doesn’t always have to involve surgery. There are other methods that are commonly used in order to treat these types of conditions. Steroid Sprays One of the most effective forms of non-surgical treatment is the use of specially designed steroid sprays. These are commonly prescribed to treat most kinds of nasal polyps. They work best on mild polyps caused by allergic reactions to dust, cats, grasses, or mold. Steroid sprays can also be prescribed to treat patients who are suffering from medium to larger-sized polyps. These sprays can be very helpful when it comes to slowing down the growth of polyps and steadily shrinking down to a manageable size. Steroid Pills Another very commonly prescribed method of non-surgical treatment is the use of steroid pills. These can be somewhat less effective than steroid sprays. The use of steroid sprays can cause a quick and dramatic shrinking of your polyps. However, the effect will usually be very temporary. It will last only a few days or, at most, a few weeks. Steroid sprays can reduce the amount of fluid in your polyps. However, in many cases, the inflamed cells and tissue will still remain. In many cases, after you stop using the steroid spray, the fluid level in your polyps will rise again. This may enable them to return to their original size. Contact Westside Face for Blocked Nasal Airway Relief Westside Face is the place to get the facial plastic surgery Santa Monica residents rely on. We are also equipped to provide our patients with state of the art Santa Monica nasal airway obstruction relief. As you have seen, surgical treatment for sinusitis and nasal polyps is not always necessary. However, if you do need it, we can provide it to you in a manner that is as painless and cost effective as possible. If you are worried about receiving surgery, don’t be. There are plenty of methods we can use to meet your needs. Get in touch with us today for the nasal obstruction surgery Santa Monica citizens rely on.

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