Balloon Sinuplasty for Sleep Apnea - Westside Face

Balloon Sinuplasty for Sleep Apnea

Are you interested in sinusitis treatment Santa Monica? If you suffer from sleep apnea, then balloon sinuplasty may be able to help your condition. We are specialists in several procedures, including balloon sinuplasty.

Balloon sinuplasty is just one of the many diverse procedures we offer our patients. This treatment can do a lot for individuals who suffer from a tough condition that’s referred to as sleep apnea. If you suffer from sleep apnea, then you may experience breathing problems at night while you’re asleep. Snoring is a big indication that’s associated with the disorder, too.

Handling the stress factors of sleep apnea can be overwhelming, which is why many people who suffer from this condition are constantly looking for new treatments. Balloon sinuplasty is a surgery that’s considered minimally invasive. It accommodates sinus cavities that previously had obstructions and it decreases or eliminates the tension that causes sleep apnea as well. Sinusitis that’s chronic in nature can be remarkably hard to manage. This condition revolves around sinus lining inflammation and can bring on a host of undesirable and stubborn effects.

Balloon sinuplasty is not a procedure that is time-consuming. This treatment typically takes about half an hour total or so. It frequently involves the assistance of local anesthesia. It’s not only suitable for individuals who have sleep apnea and sinusitis, as it’s also suitable for those who have nasal congestion. It’s even suitable for those who have major snoring troubles that are linked to sinus dilemmas.

This type of sinuplasty can make a fine treatment choice for patients for many significant reasons. It’s barely invasive, not hazardous, and the healing times are hassle-free and swift. It doesn’t involve the extraction of the tissue or the bones, which is why it differs substantially from standard sinus surgical procedures.

If you want to find out more about balloon sinuplasty, we can answer all of your questions at Westside Face. Call us any time to get more information on balloon sinuplasty, along with the other Santa Monica facial plastic surgery procedures that we specialize in.

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