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Author name: westsidefacdev


How Long Does a Facelift Last?

Age eventually comes for us all. With the elasticity that wanes with age and the constant pull of gravity, most people notice sagging skin around age 50. Facelifts have become popular among those who want to “freshen up” their look by turning back the clock a few years. Facial lift surgery is accomplished through making an incision around the edges of the face and pulling the skin back, being mindful of the muscles and tissue that lie beneath. Then, the “extra” skin is cut away and the skin is sewn back into place. The doctors at our Los Angeles facial cosmetic surgery center are careful not to pull back the skin too much, giving you a more youthful look without stretching your skin too far and making you look like a Halloween mask. This is why we have such a long record of satisfied patients and why we’re one of the premier plastic surgery offices in the state. Around 15 years are taken off your appearance when you get a face lift, giving you the looks of your past self. One common question our patients ask is: how long does a facelift last? On average a facelift will last up to 15 years post-operation. Then, your face will have the wrinkles and sagging it did before the procedure. There are numerous different techniques of facelifts that vary in degrees of invasiveness. More invasive techniques typically have longer last results. Mini facelifts typically carry a results period of two to six years. There are always things you can do to improve the results of your facelift and to make it last longer. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine will dramatically impact your health and therefore your skin. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as these activities dry out the skin and make fine lines form faster. You can also adhere to a strict skincare regimen that includes AHAs, BHAs, and sunscreen.


A Guide to Collagen

Collagen supplements have quickly become one way that people are slowing down their skin’s aging process. Our skin is made of collagen, but the body’s production of this material stops as early as age 25. It’s safe to say the aging process begins at 25 because less and less collagen is made to fill out wrinkles and dips. Luckily, animal collagen can be taken orally to help keep up the skin’s elasticity and stave off wrinkling.  Collagen can be a powder that you put into your water or smoothies, and it can also be in pill form.  The beneficial effects of collagen supplementation on skin health have been explained as: Reducing eye wrinkles after 8 weeks of use Reducing skin dryness after taking 1 gram of a chicken cartilage collagen extract per day Reducing the appearance of cellulite after 6 months of collagen use Collagen also improves your bone and joint health, which in turn can be reflected through a healthy glow in your skin. While collagen supplements are the easiest way to get high amounts of collagen into your skin, it also occurs in animals like cows and chickens, so eating a protein rich diet can help slow down the aging process.  Collagen production can be increased in your body by eating foods rich in Vitamin C. Foods that help in the production of collagen include: Berries Kiwi fruit Almonds Carrots Avocados Garlic Dark green vegetables Oysters Tomatoes Pumpkin seeds However, if you think taking collagen means you can throw away your facial cosmetic surgery office’s number, think again. Collagen research is in its infancy and while it’s safe to consume, it doesn’t work as dermal fillers.  If you are in need of wrinkle repair, contact the best facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. We can work to find a solution for you so that you can have younger looking skin with little to no downtime after the procedure.


Jamie Lee Curtis: Plastic Surgery Trends Are Wiping Out a Generation of Beauty

The world is progressing towards less shame towards plastic surgery, and this positivity has led more celebrities to be open about procedures they’ve had done. However, the “Instagram” face has taken over the social media platform. What is the Instagram face? It’s the plump-lipped, fox-eyed, baby-faced trend that many influencers have been getting. Many compare it to the plastic surgery Kylie Jenner has gotten, and many influencers no longer look like themselves. In a recently published interview with Fast Company, A-lister Jamie Lee Curtis said that she felt that the obsession with perfection fueled by social media and seeing ourselves on Zoom is “wiping out generations of beauty.” She also detailed how her past cosmetic procedure led to a Vicodin addiction after she was prescribed the drug during recovery. Westside Face is the premier Los Angeles facial plastic surgery center, and we strive to keep our patients happy while offering the best transformations possible. One thing our patient reviews praise is how we can adjust their insecurities while also making their results look natural. Unlike many plastic surgery centers, we can perform nose jobs and eyelifts without completely altering one’s appearance; you will still look like you after your surgery. Especially with rhinoplasty, it’s easy to emerge from surgery with a completely different nose, but our plastic surgeon can keep your general nose size and shape while fixing the things you’re insecure about. One of our recent 5-star reviews on RealSelf says “At my initial consultation for nose surgery [Dr. Aynehchi’s] assessment and recommendations were perfectly in line with what I wanted so I was very confident in his ability to give me a better version of my nose.” We can fix your issues while making sure your appearance is only improved not changed completely. For the best cosmetic surgery, call our office!


Signs of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the abnormal and harmful growth of irregular skin cells. The chief cause of this common kind of cancer is overexposure to the sun, but it can also occur on areas of your body that don’t get much sunlight. Due to this common misconception about skin cancer, many people don’t even consider skin cancer to be a cause of odd moles or bumps on their body. It’s important to understand the signs of skin cancer and the signs of an abnormal and potentially cancerous growth. There are three major types of skin cancer, and they are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The symptoms of each are different, so it’s important to divide the symptoms by type. Basal Cell Carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma usually occurs in sun-exposed areas of your body, such as your neck or face. Basal cell carcinoma can look like: A pearly or waxy bump A flat, fleshy-colored, or brown scar-like lesion A bleeding or scabbing sore that heals and returns Squamous Cell Carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma most often shows up on sun-exposed body parts, like your face, hands, and ears. It occurs on the places that have the most sun exposure. Squamous cell carcinoma may look like: A firm, red nodule A flat lesion with a scaly, crusted surface Melanoma Melanoma can develop anywhere on your body, and it can develop from moles that were not initially cancerous. For men, melanoma usually appears on the face or torso, and it normally develops on the legs for women. Melanoma signs include: A large brownish spot with darker speckles A mole that changes in color, size or feel or that bleeds A small lesion with an irregular border and portions that appear red, pink, white, blue or blue-black A painful lesion that itches or burns Dark lesions It’s easier to prevent skin cancer by wearing sunscreen and limiting sun exposure rather than treating it and trying to heal the scars that remain. Facial reconstruction surgery is often needed after the removal of skin cancer. If you are in need of a MOHs plastic surgeon, contact Dr. Aynehchi of Westside Face.


Does Liposuction Last Long Term?

Liposuction is one of the most common forms of cosmetic surgery largely because the results are almost immediate. Removing fat from one’s face can really increase confidence, so many choose it as their first facial cosmetic surgery experience. Despite how much you exercise, there are certain areas where fat can’t seem to go away. One of these is the chin area, and many experience a stubborn double chin or jowls despite having relatively low body fat. When you choose to undergo facial fat removal via liposuction, you may notice an immediate change, but many patients note that the change isn’t as drastic as they expected. It’s important to understand that the body responds to liposuction by filling the area with fluid, so it will likely be a few weeks before you notice the final results. A common concern for patients is whether or not the results from their neck lipo procedure will be long-lasting or if the fat will return. Results from liposuction are generally long-lasting as long as you don’t gain a large amount of weight. While the fat is removed from your body, it doesn’t mean that it won’t come back if you gain weight. The amount of fat removed through neck and chin liposuction is less than a pound, so really the only thing the patient needs to worry about is not gaining additional pounds. In cases where liposuction patients gained a considerable amount of weight, such as 10 or more pounds, new fat cells will develop in all areas of the body, including the area where fat was suctioned out. If you are interested in getting neck liposuction, our doctors from Westside Face are some of the best specialists to see for this procedure. In addition to removing excess fat from around your face, they can also strategically sculpt your jawline by removing and keeping certain areas.


How to Get the Fox Eye Look

A common trend among Instagram filters and our patients is the “fox eye look,” which is the plastic surgery trend that has taken millennials by storm. The fox eye look can be seen on models such as Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, and Elsa Hosk, and none of these people were actually born with this interesting and sexy feature. Photos of the 3 girls early in their modeling careers show their eyes are much more hooded and less slanted than they are now. The “pulled back” eye look is a natural feature for some people, particularly those of Asian descent, but many are achieving it with a blepharoplasty procedure. Blepharoplasty is a surgery done to remove excess skin or fat that may cause drooping eyelids, and it can also be done to correct the shape of the eyes by strategically removing and pulling back skin. For the fox eye trend, the incision will likely be around your hairline near your temples. This surgery will be focused on your upper eyelid near the eyebrow. Once this area is pulled back, the excess skin is cut away and the scar is obscured by your hairline. Our office prides itself on minimal scarring that can be easily covered by makeup or hair. This kind of brow surgery is permanent and is done on an outpatient basis. The facial plastic surgery experts of Westside Face can do this procedure quickly and relatively painlessly. Before you go through with this procedure, the first step in the facial cosmetic surgery process is to go in for a consultation. During your consultation, it’s important to have an honest conversation with our doctors so that they pick the right surgery for your concerns. Our doctors will also make sure that your insecurities are being properly dealt with, as an Instagram trend isn’t always cause for undergoing a permanent cosmetic procedure.


Chrissy Teigen Got Buccal Fat Removal From Her Face

Chrissy Teigen, the model-turned-entrepreneur, has always been open about going under the knife. She was open about her boob job and then breast reduction, and she also candidly joked during a Becca Cosmetics event, “everything about my face is fake except my cheeks.” Now, the avid social media user announced via a selfie video that she had yet another surgery done to her face. Teigen recently underwent buccal fat removal in Los Angeles where she lives. This procedure is already popular, and it’s bound to gain popularity after it was broadcasted to Teigen’s 35 million Instagram followers. In her video, Teigen says that her facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles removed the pocket of fat from between her jaw and her cheekbone to slim her face. “I did that Dr. Diamond buccal fat removal thing here,” she said, pointing to her slimmer cheeks. “And since I stopped drinking, I’m really seeing the results… I’m seeing results and I like it.” Those with wider faces are often looking for ways to contour their features. Makeup can only do so much, so many want to chisel their jawline and cheek areas. Buccal fat removal is recommended for those with wider faces with more plumpness to them. Removing the buccal fat instantly trims the face, but creating a hollow space beneath the cheekbone can really age someone if they are not working with an experienced surgeon. If too much fat is removed or if the patient already has a slim face to begin with, then a buccal fat removal procedure can easily age them. Those who are looking for a slimmer profile should contact our office. We can set you up with a procedure that can remove fat from your face as well as use this same fat to fill out other areas to create a more personalized contour. This procedure is called facial fat transfer, and our doctors can work out a plan that best fits your face!


What is Teenage Rhinoplasty?

It’s no secret that facial reconstruction surgery in Los Angeles is popular. With the rise of Instagram, many people are seeking the adjust their appearances in order to meet the impossible standard of beauty which some have dubbed “the Instagram Face.” While you can feel unattractive at any age, people begin to compare themselves to their peers in their teenage years. The nose is a common point of insecurity, and teenagers can get rhinoplasty as early as age 15. Plastic surgeons stress that teens should undergo rhinoplasty until the nose has reached its adult size. That is the chief difference between regular nose jobs and teenage nose jobs. Rhinoplasty in teens, similar to adults, is the most popular cosmetic procedure. Before paying for your teenager’s rhinoplasty procedure, you should have an honest discussion with them. Many find that their teenager blooms after the surgery, as the newfound confidence can help them excel socially as well as with afterschool clubs and sports. If you decide to let your teen go through with rhinoplasty, you will want their surgery and recovery time to line up opposite to their sports season. The first week after rhinoplasty is the heaviest for recovery, and they will need to avoid exercise. For the next four to six weeks after the surgery, they should also avoid high-contact sports like soccer and football. Doing rhinoplasty for teenagers requires not only an artistic eye, but the ability to foresee how their adolescent face will grow and develop as they mature. The face often becomes hallow throughout their 20s, so it’s important to visualize a nose job that will look good in the present and future. With the enforcement of mask wearing for COVID-19, it’s never been easier to hide a healing nose job. If you or your teen want to undergo surgery to alter the shape and size of the nose, contact Dr. Aynehchi, one of California’s only double board-certified plastic surgeons.


Can Rhinoplasty Help With Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is more than just snoring; it’s the body’s inability to keep up a normal breathing rhythm, halting the intake of oxygen during the sleep cycle and forcing the body to jolt awake. This condition makes it extremely hard to get a good night’s sleep, and it can begin to affect you negatively during the day. Someone with sleep apnea may experience: Drowsiness throughout the day, which can be a hazard if they drive or operate machinery Irritability Moodiness or even depression Inability to focus on tasks Sleep apnea is typically caused by a blockage in either your throat or nose and when your breathing is hindered, you will not be able to sleep soundly through the night. Those with sleep apnea may want to fix the problem without wearing any sort of device on their face, like a CPAP machine. If your sleep apnea is caused by a blocked nasal passage, then you may be able to get surgery on your nose in order to aid the passage of air. You may not know what kind of nasal surgery to get, and you may be wondering if getting rhinoplasty will help get rid of your sleep apnea. If your sleep apnea is caused by a nasal blockage, it’s likely a deviated septum. Any facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles will tell you that it’s actually septoplasty that you need. Septoplasty is the surgery that straightens the nasal septum, opening up both nasal passages to allow the free flow of air. Septoplasty is for medical reasons, but it can also be performed in tandem with rhinoplasty if you want cosmetic changes done to your nose as well; rhinoplasty and septoplasty performed at once is referred to as septorhinoplasty. A Los Angeles septorhinoplasty procedure will fix both your breathing issues as well as your insecurities with your nose. Because it can help your sleep apnea, this procedure may be fully or partially covered by your insurance. Westside Face performs septorhinoplasty and is in-network with most insurance plans. Contact us for a consultation.


Can You Get a Facelift Through Home Remedies

Sagging skin is a universally disliked feature that comes with age. Just look at TikTok and Instagram; you can find hundreds of videos on how to look younger. These anti-aging solutions range from facial massages to straight-up taping the skin of your face back. Are There Any Hacks to Get a Facelift-level at Home? Many do not give honest answers, but the answer is no. While at-home care can make your skin healthy and help restore some of the smoothness and bounce, sagging skin will not go away unless you undergo facial reconstruction surgery in Los Angeles. This is due to the fact that a real (and effective) face lift affects the ligaments of the face, which are the muscles that hold up the cheek, jawline, and neck structures. Those ligaments tend to sag with age, resulting in droopy cheeks, jowls, or loose neck skin. A face-lift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure “that lifts those structures in the face” that were causing the droopy appearance, “and restores them back to their original position,” Dr. Steiger said. This results in a tighter, more contoured face that can make you look more youthful. A face lift is needed in order to manually move these ligaments to a higher position. Facelifts are an invasive procedure and cannot be done by just anyone; you should always thoroughly research the person who will be doing your face lift in Los Angeles. If you are nervous about undergoing a facelift procedure, you should understand that this is not the kind of procedure where you should seek out a bargain doctor. A good facelift requires artistry and a steady hand so that you get positive results without sacrificing mobility or feeling. If you don’t think a facelift is right for you at this time, you should consider fillers, laser skin resurfacing, or microdermabrasion, as all of these are less invasive and make your skin look younger and healthier.

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