Healing Stages of a Nose Job

Healing Stages of a Nose Job

Recovery Time For the Best Nose Jobs in Los Angeles

At Westside Face, we offer rhinoplasty surgery Los Angeles, which is a sought-after procedure that requires an experienced and reputable plastic surgeon. Not every plastic surgeon specializes in rhinoplasty, which is why it is crucial to do your due diligence in searching for the perfect doctor for your procedure. You may be wondering several different factors, such as recovery time, healing stages, and more. We pride ourselves in providing the best rhinoplasty Los Angeles. In this blog, you will learn about the key points regarding rhinoplasty.

A person who is considering this procedure may have a series of questions before committing to rhinoplasty surgery, which is completely normal.

A very important aspect is the healing process. The total time for rhinoplasty surgery to be considered completely healed is one to two years, which may seem like quite a long time. However, there are several stages in the healing process, which you will learn more about below.

Let’s go over the different stages of the process so you can be well-informed on what to expect post-surgery.

1 Week After Surgery:

During this period, your nose will be swollen and your doctor will remove the splint. The splint is what helps the nose maintain its shape after surgery.

Depending on what type of changes were made to your nose, there may be noticeable differences right off the bat. If you had the width trimmed down, it may be slightly more difficult to tell due to puffiness. If you had a bump alteration, you may be able to notice that there is not a bump anymore. However, your nasal tip and surrounding skin, such as your lips and cheeks may be very swollen and stiff.

Bruising can also happen. It can range from mild to severe. However, 50% of patients experience no bruising. Only 10% of bruising is placed into the severe category.

When looking at your nose during week one, it may concern you that the shape and size of your nose did not turn out how you planned. Try not to worry, as this is very common. Remember you did just have major surgery. Therefore, swelling, unevenness, and exaggerated features are very normal.

At this checkup visit, the doctor may suggest taping, shaping injections and facial massages to help.

4-6 Weeks After Surgery:

At about four to six weeks post-operation, your doctor will see you again. By this time, you should be seeing some big changes in your nose. This can be a very exciting time, as the surgery outcome is very visible. You should be able to notice much less swelling and an overall improvement in its shape.

If you have a thicker texture of the skin or if this is a repeated surgery, the swelling may still be slightly prominent and this is to be expected. If your swelling has gone down; however, chances are that you are feeling terrific about your new nose.

Keep in mind that this is still not the finalized outcome. Your doctor may perform fine-tuning with shaping by injection or facial massages if it is needed.

3-4 Months After Surgery:

At this visit, your nose will be taking on more and more of its final shape. Changes may be so slow during this time that they are almost undetectable to you. You should have minimal to no swelling and you should be able to notice a more refined nasal tip. In most cases, your nose has made such a vast improvement that you are photo-ready.

Typically, this is the last follow up you will have with your doctor. He or she will inspect your progress and discuss how you feel about the outcome.

Chances are, you’ll be feeling pretty good with your new nose and a new sense of self-confidence!

6 Months and 1-2 Years

While visits during these timelines are offered, this is only if you desire to have them. They are not necessary if you see results and are happy with them.

The full and final results can be seen in this time frame. You will have grown accustomed to your new nose and are likely to be feeling fantastic.

There can be reasons to be seen during this time. If you have any questions or concerns, it is best to consult with your surgeon on the matter.

Prolonged Healing

There are several factors that can affect the timeframe of your individual healing process, such as:

  • Thicker skin
  • Bruise-prone skin
  • Oily skin
  • Revision surgery, taking up to twice as long to heal
  • A more dramatic reconstruction

Each case differs tremendously, but generally, the surgery recovery process will follow the timeline we have discussed in this article.

If you are interested in learning more about nose jobs in Los Angeles, we can help you every step of the way.

While it may seem like the recovery process is lengthy, you will be enjoying your new nose in no time! We will get you the results you are looking for as the leaders in Los Angeles plastic surgery.

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