10 Signs You Received a Great Eyelift - Westside Face

10 Signs You Received a Great Eyelift

Are you looking to enhance your natural appearance? Eyelifts, commonly known as a blepharoplasty, is a great alternative to a full face lift. When done right, you’ll walk without worry of excess skin, a drooping lid, or uneven brow position. In this blog we share with you ten signs indicating you received a great eyelift!

Correctly Positioned Brows

A winning smile and set of eyebrows is one of the first things people see. It’s important that an eyelift does not alter the shape or appearance of them. You know the procedure went well if both are symmetrical and provide you with a glowing natural look.

The Eyes Look Balanced

After an eyelift, a cosmetic plastic surgeon would point out that the eyes should be balanced after the procedure. Any asymmetry beforehand should be addressed and corrected during the eyelift.

Eyelids Are Rested

Did you notice that your eyelids are in a rested position? That’s exactly what we hope to achieve! The surrounding skin should not appear tight or unnatural.

Fat Leftover

We want your eyelids to look both full and supple! Preserving a little fat prevents the surrounding area of your eyes from getting hollow.

No Signs of Surgery

At Westside Face, we ensure our patients walk away with no visible signs of surgery. Scars will be minimal at best and heal quickly. Hiding incision scars is vital.

The Eyelid Skin Itself Looks Healthy and Youthful

Before we get started, our plastic surgeon will sit you down for a consultation. For optimal results, we assess our patients’ eyelid skin. Sun damage is a primary concern for Californians. In this case it would be recommended to pair a chemical peel with treatment.

Pay Attention to The Lower Eyelid

At the end of a successful eyelid surgery, the lower lid should be tight. We often see the horrors of patients who want to correct the complications of a lower blepharoplasty. Too much skin removal, or improper tightening can cause this to happen.

We want the best for you at Westside Face! Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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